How to implement a strategy based on employee happiness?

How to implement a strategy based on employee happiness?

It is clear that seeking alternative ways to economic remuneration, which impact on the happiness of the workforce, brings enormous benefits for both employees and the company itself.??

The most immediate would be the emotion and the improvement of the collective mood, which over time becomes:?

Motivation | Commitment | Sense of belonging | Appreciation | Pride?| Interest?

What it could bring:

Increased involvement | Reduced absenteeism | Loyalty of talent | Reduced staff turnover | Increased productivity | Lower operating costs?

In addition to transforming each employee into an ambassador for the organization, an "emissary" who, whenever he or she has the opportunity, will talk about how great it is to work for it.

How does it benefit the employees and the company??

Even a good salary may not be enough to make an employee feel satisfied.....?

Imagine someone who earns a good amount of money, but wakes up every day with discouragement and comes to work forced by the responsibilities, to face stress and a negative environment where he/she does not feel valued.

On the contrary, a person who may receive the same amount or less, but who is motivated every day to go to a job that he likes, with pleasant people and environments, where he knows that his work is recognized and rewarded?

This is what the impact of emotional pay looks like from the employee's perspective!

As for companies...

The emotional salary granted by a company can be a determining factor in attracting and attracting valuable talent, without the need to significantly increase salaries. This is especially convenient for start-ups, which do not have sufficient financial resources.??

According to the 6th online job search study in Mexico by the Internet Association MX, flexible schedules, canteen service and rest days are important aspects for Mexicans when deciding to accept a job offer.??

In fact, 77% of the most sought-after and offered benefits is a good work environment, even above economic bonuses.

How to implement a strategy based on employee happiness?

If you have already recognized the importance of this type of measures, you should take into account some recommendations to start implementing them:?

1. Stop thinking that emotional pay is only for large companies.

All of them are made up of humans just like yours, and everyone wants to feel fulfilled and happy in their jobs.

2. Adjust to your needs and, above all, to your possibilities.

Consider if there will be any budget and think about how else you can offer incredible benefits without investing large sums. Consider also what you are hoping to get out of it, plan, set some goals and think about how you will let them know.?

3. Probe for what makes YOUR employees happy

What may work for some may not work for others. That's why you need to offer what your staff prefers.

It won't take you more than a few minutes to find out and send out a short survey or a brief meeting.?

4. Organize and execute an action plan

Once you have selected the benefits, based on the needs of your employees and the possibilities of the will have to think about how to implement them.?

There are tools that allow companies to determine an exact amount for each employee, so that they can choose to spend it on exactly what they want, or where the company determines what type of benefits to grant (food, clothing, gasoline, etc.).

At this point you should also consider how you will notify employees and how they will be managed in case they request any of them.?

5. Measure, measure, measure!?

In iCodde we love the analysis of results, and it is true that what can not be measured can not be improved. We believe that any implementation should be measurable to know its impact, efficiency, and determine whether to leave them, change them or eliminate them.



