How Will Impeachment of President Trump Affect the American Citizens?
David Stephens
Defining a culture of Servant Leadership with Super-Performance. DO NOT do personal "Chats". To connect, one must have a Headshot pic (NO body, car, plane) and a well-cultivated profile, with your own posts / articles.
Full photo cite: Trump insisted on hanging bright gold drapes in the Oval Office — here are past presidents' offices for comparison at Business Insider by Aine Cain Feb 15, 2018. Photo: Each president gets to redesign the space according to their personal taste — and political Alex Wong/Getty Images
This article written by David W. Stephens 15 Dec 2019
I love history, not so much from what happened when per se, but what we can learn from history! Most people have heard the phrase, “History always repeats itself”, and it really does! Maybe not in the context some people may think this means, as names and places may be different, and certainly times will be different. Understanding history means opening one’s eyes, understanding customs, language, society, and many other factors change over time and it takes a bit of creativity of past events to see how they match current events. History becomes more combobulated when adding in politics and religion. Political correctness says we should not talk about politics or religion, yet perhaps throwing political correctness into the dumpster just might get people to talk about the issues instead of dancing around them and crippling communication!
One of the bigger problems we have in America is our failing educational system, in both poor communities and wealthy communities. Our kids are bored because they are not challenged. Math taught by those who are afraid of math (since many math majors avoid teaching and work in other fields), science taught by sports coaches (and occasionally very creative science teachers), history taught from a reading aspect for kids to memorize dates of events (looks good on state sponsored tests), Civics is no longer taught, and we fall behind many countries by not making second and/or third languages being part of the curriculum to graduate.
Then there is college! What a mess that is! We have tenured professors who are bored teaching the same thing over and over. Add to that, most have never worked in the field they are teaching – they have theoretical knowledge only, and many times cannot answer questions students pose to them! After four years, these students are NOT prepared for the subject they get their degree in yet cannot function in a job they went to school for! The students did get a large school bill they will be paying for the next 15 years or so and some may be excited about how well their football or basketball teams did. They were indoctrinated into the politics of the day as well, which I guess gives the professors a chance to do something different than teaching the same crap they have taught for the last 20 years. And why do they have that mindset? Probably because universities are paying their sports coaches millions of dollars per year, but what does a professor make? Maybe they just don’t give a … care!
What does all this mean? Many young people NOT prepared for entering the adult world of business, banking, credit, job expectations, paying taxes, having to show up to work on time, doing WORK at work, paying their own way without mommy and daddy, a place to live, car and gas gasoline, etc. Fortunately, we also have young people who broke out of the that mesmerizing memorizing world, and can think for themselves, becoming very successful in multiple ways even baby boomers could not imagine! This also means, in the world of politics, we have people who need to be told what and how to think, but we also have some who can think for themselves (politicians on both sides hate those people).
What does all this have to do with the impeachment of President Trump? Plenty! People will be upset no matter how this turns out. The world is watching, as citizens in many countries the world over are holding their breath hoping to take back their countries from politicians too! That is what all those demonstrations in other countries are about – if one stops listening to American news agencies as a whole or as President Trump puts it, Fake News! Now for the real fallout from this process …
If the Democrats are successful impeaching President Trump … A new precedent will be set – one for all future elections, no matter which party “wins”. Is that what they really want? Is their hate blinding them from thinking about the future? To date, they held “secret” hearings from witnesses. In open sessions, Republicans were not allowed to ask witnesses questions, and anyone who could tolerate even 30 minutes watching this fiasco knows why! The witnesses could not answer the few questions asked by Republican House members, and even looked back at Democrats, hoping someone would answer for them! One of my courses on Communication for my Management degree included how body language can be perceived by others. Seems many of these witnesses (including those “professors”) have never taken those courses! Makes me wonder … were those “secret” witness interrogations really coaching sessions for them to respond to Democrat House members questions? Perhaps that is why they did not want Republicans to ask questions? Is that why their interpretation of the phone calls does not match the actual phone calls?
If they are successful impeaching President Trump, this means they successfully denied President Trump his Constitutional Rights of:
- Due process
- Right to representation
- Right to defend oneself
- Right to ask accusers questions
- Innocent until proven guilty, replaced by guilty until proven innocent
- Many other illegal acts in this process based on biased political interests and pure hatred of the accused. In this case, accusers committing high treason for the office and denying accuser;s Constitutional Rights we all share.
What does this have to do with the average citizen? If they can take away the rights of ANY sitting American president (no matter their political standing), they can take away the rights of ANY American citizen, for ANY reason (no matter their politics). Meaning – they can take away ANY and ALL our rights ANY time they want to! THAT IS THE ULTIMATE GOAL IN THEIR PURSUIT OF ULTIMATE POWER OVER THE PEOPLE! And they talk about their Constitutional Oath!!! Seems too many members of Congress have been there too long because they do not seem to understand the Oath of Office they took every time they were voted in!
What if President Trump wins this impeachment battle? Hopefully, the traitors (of which there are many) will be arrested for treason. Being nice, political correctness, new laws, etc. will NOT stop the act of treason being committed again. Just like stopping any crime … the ONLY way to stop crime is to stop the criminal. The only way to stop this trend of treason we have going on and on is to stop the traitor! The only way to stop a criminal shooter is to stop the shooter! This is nothing new!
The seeds of hate and division have already been planted, and we will have to live with that after this fiasco is over and after our 2020 election! The hurdle which will be hardest for people to accept will be those people who have been misled, accepted being told how and what to think – they will be lost, and most likely very mad too.
Bottom line: This will be bad for the country and for everyone. I believe this is going to backfire on the politicians who are so eager to gain power OVER the people (and the Administrative Branch of government)! Congress will learn to do THEIR job as the Legislative Branch, and NOT overstep their perceived power being over the president or the citizens! America will heal. It might take some time. On the world front, more people will then feel empowered to take their country back from their corrupt politicians, and force change! Globalism will collapse, replaced by people who want to live a peaceful coexistence with people of other countries, instead of putting up these artificial barriers to increase tensions – all for political gain!