How my DNA is helping me eat better and increasing my longevity.
The fight is real.
Once men hit 30 we begin the inevitable battle with aging. Some of us do it gracefully, others struggle, but at the end of the day you can’t outrun Mother Nature, or can you?
After having my butt kicked by the first wave of aging at 35 I am on a quest to help other men optimize their health and maintain their confidence as the years start racking up so we can take care of people we love for longer.
You’ve hopefully watched our first episode that details why my team and I are building Prime ( If you haven’t you can catch up here.
During this episode (#2) we start diving into a series of different quantified-self technologies (i.e. personalized health assessment kits) that help me understand my health from different angles in an attempt to optimize myself differently than the traditional health care system may advise. The purpose during these first few episodes is to help you understand what the world of testing looks like so you can determine if it’s a fit for you.
This week we are looking at DynamicDNA. It uses my saliva & cheek cells to conduct a genetic analysis of my DNA to identify gene variants that can help me improve my diet and fitness routine.
After sending them my sample I received a 70-page report that detailed 61 different gene variants in 2 weeks. You can download my report by going to and subscribing to our mailing list to see it in more detail.
There were a lot of useful things, but I am making the following changes to my diet and fitness routines.
1. Omega-3 and Omega-6: FADS1 gene, which means that my body may process Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids inefficiently. Many studies have linked increased plasma levels of these polyunsaturated fats with a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease.
Change: Eat more fish, flaxseeds, walnuts, and dark green vegetables. I also decided to start supplementing with Dr. Tobias Omega-3 just to make sure that I am getting enough in case my brutal road schedule kept me from eating the best.
2. Oxidative Stress: SOD2 gene, which means that my body may have a reduced ability to deal with free radicals or harmful substances created during metabolism.
Change: Eat more foods rich in antioxidants like blueberries, dark chocolate, and kidney beans.
3. Vitamin D: GC gene, which means that my body may create a protein that decreases the Vitamin D levels in my plasma. Vitamin D is needed for bone growth, calcium absorption in the gut, and reducing inflammation. As you’ll see in a future test I conducted I found out that my Vitamin D levels are literally non-existent which puts me at an increased risk of brittle bones in the future.
Change: Started using Nature’s Wise 5000 IU, a vitamin D supplement.
4. HDL Levels: PPARD gene, means that my body has increased health benefits from endurance training (moderate exercise for a long period of time). People with my genetic make-up may see a higher increase of HDL or ‘good cholesterols’ that act as the maintenance crew for the inner walls of my blood vessels.
Change: 60 mins of running and cycling 1 day per week rather than only 20 mins HIT sessions.
5. Osteoarthritis: GDF5 gene, which means that I am at an increased rate of developing osteoarthritis (break down of the cartilage) and tendinopathy (inflammation of the tendons). This was very alarming for me since I’ve started to experience real joint pain recently. As you can imagine this is very important for me to fix since I plan on living to at least 120 and I want to be very active in the process.
Change: Started using Vimerson Health Glucosamine Chondroitin, a joint care supplement.
*It’s important to understand that when viewing genetic results, having a particular genetic make-up doesn’t guarantee that your genes will be expressed in the real world that way. It means that there is a larger probability that they will. It’s also important to know that we’re in the first inning of using our DNA to make lifestyle changes. As Austin O’Rielly, the CEO of Dynamic DNA explained, in the coming years they’ll be able to provide 700,000 recommendations instead of 61.
Are these immediate, life-saving changes that I need to make right now? No, but they are things that I need to do in order to live a higher-quality life now and they will have compounding effects in the future.
“It’s important to remember that optimizing your life is usually not one huge change, but a series of smaller changes specifically created for you.”
That being said I was excited with the results that I received and I made some real changes in my life.
Below is a chart that details how I have begun/changing my overall plan based on the kit's recommendations.
Next week we will look at my gut health using UBiome. I ask you to share and tell someone that may benefit from this information.
If you want to see my results go to and subscribe to our mailing list.
Healthcare#Pharmacist#entrepreneur#healthcare RealEstate# AI # blockchain# speciality compounding
6 年Sure will connect ..
Healthcare#Pharmacist#entrepreneur#healthcare RealEstate# AI # blockchain# speciality compounding
6 年Nice work Saad . We do something similar in our practice however we mainly focus on Pillcheck.