How to identify trouble maker or our inner critic within?
We all do get people in our life as relatives or friends who can underestimate your potential or will always see you not up to the mark. It's in a way strengthen our own #inner #critic too.
It guide us not to grow as we want, plays small, be invisible, remains where you are.
Our artist in within wants to show up but if we listen to that critic and people we cannot hear our own artist. The sign of that critic playing big in your life is.
1- You are not good enough.
2- You need more qualifications, degrees to prove your worth.
3- Be more scientific and logical.
4- Your intuition and wisdom are not worth to show up.
5-Wait it's not the right time.
6- Play small, don't take the risk to be exposed.
7- They will come with all the examples of people, books, an incidence which will make you believe it's better not to let your creativity come out.
8- Excuses and logically proving that it's not what you want is one of the greatest weapons they use.
9- The risk of losing their company or support if you do something different.
10- They might ignore you as you don't exist so that you should never be able to raise your game.
11- Shaming and guilt are one of their favourites tools.
12- They make it sure that you should not break your own conditioning of living in shame and guilt.
13- You are selfish and self-centered, they prove it to you by examples and by emotional blackmailing.
14- You will be talking small and feel small in their company, just to fit in.
15-They can influence you without being present physically.
I have named this character Mr Anand in my book. He gathers all our self-limiting beliefs, people, incidences to show up in our life and make us weak.
My main Character is Shweta, she is in grip of Mr Anand. That's why she is not visible to us. But slowly she is showing up by identifying what's the motive of Mr Anand in her life.
Do let me know how do you like this. It's a story of #transformation, winning from our own inner critic and people who want us to play small. Showing love and respect to our own artist within. Would you like to read her transformational #journey, challenges and tools what she used to get out from that?