How to Identify and Conquer Distorted Thinking Patterns!

We all have distorted patterns of thinking, even if some of us can hide them better than others!

They're those sneaky thoughts that sometimes cloud our judgment and hinder our progress. But worry not, here's some ways you can identify and correct these distorted thoughts!

?? Type 1: All-or-Nothing Thinking (Black-and-White Thinking) ??

This sneaky pattern convinces you that things are either perfect or an utter disaster – no in-between! But life's a spectrum, and so are your problems. They're never just black and white! Challenge this distortion by embracing the shades of grey. Celebrate small victories and learn from setbacks. Remember, progress is progress, no matter how tiny the steps may seem.

?? Type 2: Catastrophising (Magnification) ??

The drama queen of distortions, catastrophizing makes mountains out of molehills. That tiny hiccup suddenly feels like the end of the world! To overcome this, ask yourself, "Is this a catastrophe, or is it an opportunity to grow?" Reframe situations with a positive twist and remember, you're resilient enough to handle whatever comes your way.

?? Type 3: Mental Filtering (Selective Attention) ??

Ever focus only on the negatives and ignore the positives? Mental filtering is like wearing dark glasses that dim the brightness of life. Take the shades off and recognise and celebrate your achievements and strengths. Train yourself to see the full picture, and you'll discover a world filled with possibilities. Often zooming out can help to get a different perspective.

?? Type 4: Fortune Telling (Mind Reading) ??

The crystal ball of distorted thinking, fortune-telling, convinces you that you can predict the future – and it's often bleak! Except you're not a psychic, and the future's full of surprises. Challenge this distortion by embracing uncertainty as an adventure. Focus on what you can control, and you'll feel more empowered.

?? Type 5: Overgeneralisation ??

One little setback becomes a permanent label of failure. Overgeneralization loves to stick labels on everything! Unmask this distortion by challenging those negative generalizations. Remind yourself of your past successes and recognize that one setback doesn't define your whole story.

?? Type 6: Personalisation ??

Personalisation tricks you into thinking you're the cause of every problem in the universe! Here's a hard truth for you, not everything revolves around you. Be kind to yourself, recognize that external factors play a role, and focus on what's truly within your control.

?? Type 7: Emotional Reasoning ??

Emotional reasoning believes that because you feel it, it must be true. But feelings can be misleading! Challenge this distortion by separating facts from emotions. Use logic as your guiding compass and don't let emotions hijack your decision-making process.

?? Type 8: Should Statements (Musterbation) ??

"Should" dictates what you ought to do, creating unnecessary guilt and stress. Shift from using "should" to "want" and "choose." Embrace your autonomy and make choices aligned with your values and goals.

Stay curious, stay open-minded, and let's conquer these distortions together! ????


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