How Iceland dived into Geothermal Energy
What else can a nation devoid of fossil fuel do to satisfy the energy demand of its citizens? Up, up the north Atlantic is the beautiful nation of Iceland.
Iceland made attempts to harness energy from river channels but that was not just enough to reduce the importation of oil and gas satisfactorily.
So then, it was time to turn a foe into a friend! Iceland have to look to its age-long enemy: the volcanoes!
With hills and mountainous regions spewing out fire like the Targaryen dragons, Iceland stared right into its foes eyes to harness geothermal energy!
Hey! quick, if you are wondering what geothermal energy is, or if Nigeria is utilizing geothermal energy, please kindly refer to?this article.
And as though we were there when it all began we will tell this tale, and as we told you how?the French championed and pioneered solar energy?we shall bring this story to life.
Fasten your seat belt and let us take you on a Tecky Energy ride.
Have you heard about the mid-Atlantic ridge? It is an underwater mountain range, Iceland is an Island of this the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, in this region lies some 17 well known high-temperature zone, housing tons of superheated water
The Icelandic National Energy Authority estimates the heat in the high temperature areas if fully utilized then 10,000 megawatts could be produced continually. Hey! Remember 1 Megawatt = 1,000,000 watts
Iceland is also blessed with low-temperature streams, when I say low temperature I do not mean you could take a bath in it because the temperatures of these streams range from 80 degrees Celsius to 140 degrees Celsius.
So why is it regarded as low temperature? well, for one thing, we cannot generate power or electricity with that temperature, so Iceland citizens used this stream for domestic purposes such as heating.
How Iceland Started Utilizing Geothermal Energy
Around the 20th century, only very few people thought of another use for the country’s hot springs other than outdoor baths.
By 1928, an innovative borehole was drilled at Thvottalaugar, this borehole produced hot water at a temperature of about 87 degrees Celsius, then it was piped into many surrounding buildings over 2 kilometres away.
The success of this community heating project laid the foundation for other projects. The search was then underway, for some other hotspots, then one was found at Reykir, by 1939 a network of pipe is already connecting Reykir and Reykjavik.
Three years later, the distribution network continue to spread deeper into towns and other regions of Reykjavik.
In 1943, a major breakthrough came when Hitaveita came to the limelight-the district’s Heating Service.
Today in many places around Iceland, superheated steam oozing from the ground is used to turn turbines which subsequently generates electricity.
Benefits of Geothermal Energy to Iceland
Imagine turning your enemy into an ally, well, that will improve the strength of your forces, geothermal energy has benefited Iceland in the following way(s):
Reduction of Air Pollution
History has it that once upon a time the city of Reykjavik was smoke-filled, however as the citizens continued to harvest the immense energy that lay underneath them, this ecological inconvenience was reduced drastically.
Imagine the irritation a smoke-filled city must have caused humans and other organisms? Guess what? many years after harnessing geothermal energy, the city (Reykjavik) was dubbed the smokeless capital of the world!
From records, the cost of utilizing geothermal energy is by far lesser than burning imported fossil fuels.
Do you remember how we started this article? remember Iceland is devoid of coal, oil and gas and any other form of fossil fuel, if they must use oil and gas, then it must be imported.
Iceland conserved energy by ensuring that pipes conveying hot water are well insulated to avoid loss of heat either by conduction, convection or radiation.
Hitavieta Sudurnesja (Sudurnes District Heating Service) has been in operation since late 1979
Geothermal Power Plants
Have you seen a volcano erupt? can you imagine how superheated steam is exhumed from deep the earth’s crust? truly, harnessing such energy, or using it to turn turbines will require some unique form of technology, and Iceland was equal to the task, 1969, the Myvatn power plant came to life with an operating output of 3 megawatts.
Before long, Mount Krafla had a power plant near it also, the plant undermined occasional lava flows and the sometimes uncontrollable blast of steam to utilize the geothermal energy.
Innovative Farming Style
The cold nature of Iceland allowed them to practice greenhouse farming. the energy used in warming the vast hectares of land comes from the use of geothermal energy.
By means of geothermal energy, Iceland can increase the temperature of farmlands and produce tomatoes, cucumbers and other vegetables.
Do you know there are hotspots in Nigeria? do you know if Nigeria is utilizing their geothermal energy sources?