How I Went from Recruiter -> Taekwondo Champion -> Mr. USA -> Executive Fitness Coach

How I Went from Recruiter -> Taekwondo Champion -> Mr. USA -> Executive Fitness Coach

Everyone says you have to be motivated to be successful...

Though to be honest, some days I just don't feel motivated.

Can you relate?

A friend of mine recently asked me how I stay motivated.

And to be straight forward, I’m not.

I’m not motivated to wake up at 5:30am. (My Shiba puppy makes sure I do though)

I’m not always motivated to workout everyday after I finish 10 hours of work.

I’m not motivated to drink a disgusting protein shake before dinner (lets be honest they really are gross)

I'm definitely not motivated to work through the weekends.

So what am I? ...I’m disciplined and I have trained that through consistency.

I’m disciplined so on the days I don’t want to show up, I show up anyways.

Your CHOICES and EFFORT are the reason you’re at where you’re at in your life

That is why you have built a successful career.

What plays an impact on those things...


Now, I wasn’t always disciplined. I used to get distracted, and do nothing for days, or spend the weekend playing video games instead of practicing.

What changed?

I stepped outside my comfort zone...For me that was Taekwondo

I started doing prioritizing the practice I DIDN'T want to do, and always doing MORE of it and doing it first before anything else.

It started with making my bed every morning and having a protein shake.

And then going for a jog - started at 2km, then 5km, then 7, then 10.

Every. Single. Day. It hurt, it sucked, I hated it at first.

But it built the foundation of my day and of my Taekwondo Career.

So if you are the 1% who TRULY want to change your life and are:

-Willing to lose this weight for the last time… (Actually keeping it off)

-Ready to finally reverse your slow metabolism, so you actually burn calories more efficiently.

-Dying to continue eating your favorite foods with little stress over going out for meetings, client events or post-work catch-ups without diminishing your results.

-Prepared to actually wake up full of energy and enjoy the process of working towards your goals

Then message me to learn more about our Business Athlete Method where we will teach you the "business of getting fit"


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