How I went from £0 to £2,200,000 in under 5 years
Gary Das (Account Closing Soon....)
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In 2015, I burned my business to the ground and started again. My goal was to create sustainable businesses with predictable streams of leads.
Today I want to share with you 5 key things that have helped me generate £2,200,000 since I started from scratch.
At the end of this email, I’ll even give you a way to learn some of these methods for FREE.
1. Ideal Customer
The first thing I discovered was that the key to great marketing is knowing who your ideal customer is. Once you know who they are in great detail, you’re able to communicate with them on a much deeper level.
Then it became obvious that as a small business owner in a saturated market, you need to focus on a specific niche. There are only two types of businesses that don't:
???? Huge corporations with big marketing budgets. They can afford to saturate the media with brand awareness campaigns.
???? Businesses that will eventually fail
So I decided to focus my mortgage brokerage and cater to the self-employed market. This allowed me to carve out space of my own in the mortgage market and dominate.
It also meant that I knew exactly who my customer was and my marketing resonated with them deeply.
2. Personal Brand
The great thing about owning a niche is my personal brand exploded. At first, I became the go-to person for self-employed business owners who wanted a mortgage.
Over time, the more time I invested in my personal brand, the more I became known for other things, too.
I'm an Amazon bestseller, have two podcasts, and get paid to speak on stage at events. I've also helped hundreds of service-based business owners master their lead generation.
None of that would have been possible without growing my personal brand.
3. Social Media Marketing
Social media platforms are in a constant battle for your attention. Platforms like Facebook design their experience using cutting-edge technology and psychology. They're experts at gaining your interest and keeping it.
For a business owner, this is an incredible opportunity. By learning how to use these platforms, you're leveraging the ability of some of the world's greatest minds.
There has never been a better time to be a business owner. If you're not harnessing this opportunity, you're missing out.
4. Owning The Data
Social media is fantastic. But you should view it as a tool rather than an all-encompassing strategy. Because whilst your customers sit on Facebook, you don't own the ability to contact them. You borrow it for as long as Facebook let you.
So you need to develop ways of converting social media attention into an asset you own. Like an email list.
As you read this email, having first met me on social media, you can see it's a strategy I use. Once you build your email list, you gain a lot more control over the future of your business.
5. Multiple Streams of Leads
When you find a working strategy, the temptation can be to milk it for all it’s worth.
But this offers no certainty for the future of your business. If you lose that stream of leads, you could very quickly find yourself in trouble.
That’s why I’ve worked on creating multiple streams of leads for my businesses. Leads come from all angles:
Social media (Facebook, Instagram, Clubhouse, Linkedin, Youtube), SEO, Email, Podcast, Speaking, and Referrals.
This seems like a lot, I know. But I must stress something important here.
When I started 5 years ago, it is fair to say that I was clueless about marketing. I’ve had to figure everything out for myself.
That’s why I’m inviting you to grab my FREE Lead generation Formula.
My aim is to show you how achievable it is to build a lead generation machine…
...and do it in a fraction of the time it took me.
It’s impossible to teach you everything, but you'll learn strategies you can use to generate leads immediately.
Comment in with your occupation, industry or expertise if you would like to grab my guide!
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