How I Use NMAP for Host Discovery and Penetration Testing
Douglas Greca
Leveraging technology to create positive social impact and empower underserved communities
How to find out the host name or IP address:
There are several ways to find out the hostname or IP address of a computer or device on a network. Here are some common methods:
2. Network scanner:
3. Router web interface:
4. Operating system network settings:
Using NMAP
sudo apt-get install nmap
2. Run a basic scan: To run a basic scan using Nmap, you need to specify the target hostname or IP address. For example:
nmap target_host
3. Scan for specific ports: To scan for specific ports, use the -p option followed by the port numbers or range. For example:
nmap target_host -p 1-1024
4. Get more detailed information: To gather more detailed information about the target system, use the -A option. This option enables OS detection, version detection, script scanning, and traceroute. For example:
nmap target_host -A
5. Interpret the output: Nmap will display information about the target system, including the open ports and services that are running. You can use this information to determine potential vulnerabilities and attack vectors.
Note: The information gathered on non-standard ports, so it's a good idea to run a comprehensive scan of all 65,535 ports to ensure that you have a complete understanding of what is running on your network.