How I use my experience as a Public Speaker \ Customer Service Expert to help you're with your servers.
Michael D Haines
Thought Leader In The Way We Serve The Disabled / Challenged Customers In Our Businesses
I use my experience as a Public Speaker\Customer Service Expert to assist the client in gaining a more empathic staff when dealing with the disabled (Challenged) person that may enter their place of business. What makes me different from a lot of other Public Speaker\Customer Service Experts that specialize in this area, is the fact that I have a Disability (Challenge) therefore I have lived it.
What sets me apart from my competition is that I live with my challenge 24\7. I don’t get off the stage and get out of my wheelchair and go home. I have built my life around my challenge, but I haven’t let it define me in any way. Sure there are physical barriers that I face every day, but these are only things that must be dealt with in a less than conventional way. Where there is a will, there is always a way.
I assist the client in creating a warm and inviting atmosphere for the challenged person that comes into your place of business by sitting down with these people and showing them thru personal experience how to meet, greet, and look after the challenged persons needs.
With the Festive Season coming, why not book me for a talk? I can be reached at