How I use content marketing for B2B lead generation
Saurabh Gavande
Experienced Business Data Analyst | Digital Campaigns | Data Analytics | Data Visualisation | Advanced Excel | Tableu | Power BI | DAX | Power Query | SQL for Actionable Insights and Decision Support
Before sharing the key of lead generation for your business by content marketing, let's understand the importance of content and content marketing. There are 190 million companies into 15 countries among them 171 million organization uses content for marketing and spends around 30% of the total budget in content marketing on an average. Nearly 92% of B2B and 85% of B2C marketers use content marketing.
Currently across the globe, around 20 million people use Linkedin.
- Around 11.5 million users read content at least once a month.
- 4 million users spend their online time on content
- 2.72 million users spend reading about the brand they like the most.
Content marketing is actually used to get attention, brand awareness and most important to generate lead and increase direct sell, for which I regressively use content marketing.
Here is the story of my client, how I use content marketing to generate more lead for his business. After studying a lot of articles and research I found that around 91% of email users unsubscribe from the company emails. 44% of people ignore direct mail. As Perry Marshall says, A prospect who “finds” you first is more likely to buy from you than if you find him. And that is not impossible without content marketing.
We distributed complete process into following phases
- Defining your objectives, it started with defining the benchmark. we evaluate competitors and shared the findings with the team. Then finally outlined marketing objectives.
- Understanding of the buyer, consist of define buyers persona followed by defining buying stages through which buyer should go and purchase
- Gap identification, in which we studied the current content marketing situation of the company and identified content by stage and by a person, and most important is the gaps in content and gaps in assets (technology we need to acquire to get visitors)
- Formation of content, we engaged assets to generate a new idea for content, by identifying the key message. But here in that stage, we maintained consistency in doing so.
- Social sharing, that we included the sharing of the highly-rated blog and start interacting with potential buyers form reputed or C level account belongs to the company. We started working on content that aims to only educate people instead of any promotion of the product.
- Lead magnet formation, after huge brainstorming we created a fine-tuned lead magnet where we use the free reports in returns of email id, where we got a chance to build a database for sales.
And finally, we started pitching them with our product and services which helps them to reduce their business efforts. Looking at ROI of this we almost able to increase web traffic by 59%, sales lead quality improved by 47% and social sharing by 38%. This is how I help my client to increase the revenue from 4x to 16x.
Thank you very much for reading until the end, I hope this finds you well.