Nelson Montana
Author / Music Producer, Composer, Arranger, Engineer and Multi Instrumentalist / Diet and Fitness Authority
?How many times have you heard the sentence, ‘I don’t talk about politics!”? Of course there’s a place for that – the most obvious is spouting a political opinion to those with whom you do business.? Bad move.? Of course, today, every celebrity seems to feel it’s perfectly okay. In fact, they think they’re being noble. After all, they’re regaling us common folks with their superior knowledge. But today’s politics were no longer about national policy. It was about the events affecting our life. And that’s why, to me, politics HAD to be discussed. Though I can tell you first hand, the conversation wasn’t always civil – the reason being, I wasn’t listening to the celebrities and the media. Therefore, I, and others like me, were fair game for ridicule.?
There’s a good reason for all of this. Right out of the gate, Trump was a polarizing figure. He was arrogant. He said stupid stuff. And in the end, he was a sore loser. It all added up to a national “gang up” on the evil orange man.? And the media piled it on thick.?
For these reasons it seemed that all of society was to accept that there were two camps.? There were those who were reasonable, intelligent and well informed. And there were the crazy insane MAGA zealots.? So unless you bought the left wing propaganda, you became the outcasts. Shunned by society. But the ostracizing went beyond politics. There was the world of the woke, where? logic, reason and rationale no longer applied. That's been replaced with what the politicians and media and the celebrities wanted us to believe. The government can now tell us what to do with our own bodies. We had to accept that girls could be boys. We had to allow criminals more and more leniency. We had to believe that anyone who disagreed was racist. Or misogynistic. Or worse , a Trump supporter. So…we remained quiet.?
And for a while, it seemed like that was the way it had to be. We’d sit and listen how Kamala Harris said she supported sex change operations for prisoners and think, “Gee, why is she going after THAT demographic?? I guess, there are lots of people who agree.”? My wife and I would joke by saying, “The pods have landed and? we have to accept it” A reference to the 1950’s Sci Fi flick Invasion of the Body Snatchers, where pods from outer space turn everyone into like- minded zombies.?
And right up to election night, the polls said that it was neck and neck, with Kamala having the slight edge.? And once again, we had to brace ourselves for another 4 years of? being told that criminals have more rights than victims, protests are fiery by peaceful,? illegal immigrants deserve more than hard working Americans, boys can be girls, the sky is green,? the grass is purple, the President is brilliant and inflation is all in our minds.?
And then…Election night. And it was as if the world had awakened from a collective nightmare.?
You can fool all of the people only SOME of the time. And the people who may not have been paying close attention, or were willing to go along with the coalition of capriciousness from the left wing machine, had their chance. And they took it. And they took it BIG TIME.?
And a veil was lifted.? We don’t have to be victims. We don’t have to endure insults or feel like second class citizens. We don’t have to take a back seat? to fools. We no longer have to accept anything less than what the American dream has to offer.? It didn’t take a stroke of genius, or a man with superpowers. It just took people willing to say they’d had enough and you can’t take any more.? And we’ll go with the guy who’s on board with that.?
It’s as simple as that. There’s an elation in the air. I can feel it. It was like when Guiliani was mayor of New York city. Everyone loved what he did, even though there was the occasional malcontent that had a complaint about one thing or the other. Reasonable people KNEW it was better. I feared that populace was a thing of the past. And yet, those people have spoken once again.?
So, to those who are still going to find reason? to hate Trump and to try to convince everyone of the horrible mistake they made,? I just see you as the people in the bunker taking the cyanide pills along with their? commanders because they’re rather not live in a world where their delusion has been shattered. Or, you can come on over to our side. We accept you. And we believe we’re stronger as a Nation when we all do better.? No hard feelings.
Either way, I’m cool with it. Because today, the world is a better place. ?Not because one team won over the other. It's because sanity has prevailed. You'll see.