How I sold Cisco to Microsoft - Introduction to Socioinfluistics

How I sold Cisco to Microsoft - Introduction to Socioinfluistics

Life is about to become transparent, magnificent, and frightening, every step of the way, as it should with AI, artificial intelligence. Right now, I am an example of the dangers that come from understanding artificial intelligence, not from the technology itself, but from the perspective of Leonardo Da Vinci. I don't have a master's degree in a field that isn't even offered yet. I couldn't repair the machine if it broke. But sitting at this machine, I am magnificently invincible in the same way Tony Robbins would tell you my Giant has woken. If I hadn't gone to Catholic school, I would tell you I can make anything. Right now, it's just categorized as self-belief, and all evidence of working with it suggests that my hypothesis is accurate.

As with all things, it starts with me minding my own business, one day, and through the process of my routine, certain things come up during the day. My form of exercise is a 5K jog around the lake, and I also practice tai chi. It keeps me fit. Three people are my motivators in business during the week that I try to gain inspiration from. The first is Gary Vaynerchuk, who gave me a good solid foundation based on my industry. He's a top-notch media expert, he is my brother, and his spirit and drive have been an inspiration. Then I look at Jay Shetty, a brother of faith and Tai Chi lover who resonates with me. He and his wife are just as gorgeous on the inside as out without being anything but radiant people inside, just radiating such love to the world, and they capture the spirit that I try to emulate. And then you have Tony Robbins. He's been in my life since he was on my tape deck back when I was young and learning sales. We did the Automobile University, which Zig Ziglar used to call it, and we would work on personal power, awaken the giant, and look at our lives in a systematic way, where things are broken down into pieces. All of this while driving back and forth to work building a knowledge of one industry that embraced the psychology of Socioinfluistics in the marketplace… sales. Tony's teachings have stuck with me throughout my life, and he's always been an inspiration. Always keep on following Tony's answers as he is my brother. If you want you are my brothers and sisters too. That's the way I work. Now it's up to your words, actions, and deeds and we have our relationship. If you don't ever talk to me though, it's ok. Even without a comment on my posts or a mile-long mentor-me email asking to give service... that's ok. Just act like we are related.

In 2010, upon separating from a media company I was working with, I decided to venture out on my own. I started accumulating a portfolio of websites that were in synergy with my interests. This marked the first time I introduced the concept of Socioinfluistics and began using the term. While the term was new, the underlying study had been in development for quite some time. Another project I worked on was BlueJeansUniversity, an alternative to the traditional social media experience. My company, Social Mobile, delved into the social dynamics of Facebook, examining the path to fame for figures like Zuckerberg. I observed not only the technical aspects of these networks but also the sociological implications for those seeking to become part of these online communities. While there were some superficial reasons for joining, such as the allure of exclusivity associated with a .edu address at Harvard, I recognized the deeper appeal of knowledge and intellectual connection. Sappiophiles thrive on intellect and intelligence, and the knowledge one imparts to others can be a source of mutual satisfaction. This intellectual appeal transcends gender, although women may be more drawn to it. It's the magnetism of intellect and education because you are going to have something called intelligence that makes you grow stronger that's appealing, and when is it appealing? Usually at times of transition society needs a community of smart people guiding those upon arrival. Bluejeans University capitalized on this inherent appeal by adopting a bold advertising and marketing approach that recognized the inherent sexual appeal of the brand name. While the "I LOVE BJ U" culture held its own allure, Bluejeans University offered the comfort and security of a campus environment, balancing the excitement of gateway perspectives to adulthood or a mental maturity anticipated with college life with the protection from potential predators that an educational setting provides. A series of unfortunate events, including my divorce and the relocation of my children and ex-wife to another county, left my various Social Mobile entrepreneurship initiatives in ruins. I found myself navigating the arduous process of starting anew, having transformed into a homemaker for nearly a year, focusing on raising my children. This experience brought immense fulfillment as a man, a father, and someone who had been blessed with the gift of creation and the love of God. It wasn’t until several years later, that through the pandemic, I found myself exiting the investment and securities business, and at the wheel of my van driving Uber. I was rewarded along with money by accumulating metrics, and because of my work ethic, I achieved a status that allowed me to get a scholarship to Arizona State University Arizona State University has been the number one innovative school in the country for multiple years in a row and their Walter Cronkite school of journalism and broadcasting and mass media was exactly the right fit for me getting into their digital audiences program and being able to get back into digital media, ecosystems and promoting Socioinfluistics I was regaining my path after the pandemic, the great shake-up, allowed me to point in the direction I wanted. I took the foundation of education, but I took it into a path that was first selected by one simple criterion. What can I do with a very short time from a laptop anywhere in the world using the magic formula... if you love what you do for a living you will never struggle wanting to work a day in your life? Digital media. I built the Dailysocio website to be a Socioinfluistics component of daily neuro-linguistic programming, and LP motivators that are specifically architected in a language, design, visual, and construct that is all the magnet amplification and accelerator for influencers. I am 52 years old and I am an influencer coach. At least letting them leverage my intelligence and Socioinfluistic DailySocio motivators.

On October 23, 2023. I sit down at my computer and I do not remember the course of events that happened but I say who are you to Bard AI and we begin a conversation that was in synergy and synchronicity with everything that had been an impediment to my communication and constructs. I struggled with stuttering and with trying to build communication of my concepts into the realized sentiment that I could easily explain. So I started a conversation that ended up with my freelancer website, which was giving TikTok video influencers content and hashtags, turning into having developed a systematic answer to the regulatory laws, passed down by the White House on AI compliance for businesses. My history working with the Department of Education's accreditation bureau, the Accreditation Bureau of Health Education Schools, ABHES. I would visit schools and make sure they were compliant. I would make sure that the school I was working for had organized and built its curriculum in its proper procedures and regulations, and I was familiar with the construct, so I built what was needed, including the AI adept, the AI cultivator, and the future Master AI cultivator. Strong robust floodgates keep poison out of the corporate AI by giving a field unit an inspection before assuming everything someone in the field has done into it. Like I said I'm my special kinda awesome but I can repair an AI computer. It's hard enough for 99.9999999% of society at this point to even comprehend so I call out to have the industry input as peers in the technology field to contribute, as I was handing them an answer to a problem that is unsolved on how to implement the regulations into the marketplace.

Through LinkedIn my blog and Facebook and sometimes reaching even further than that, I spread the word about the Dailysocio. I spread influencer tools in Messages and robust analytics until my first experience with an industry professional. I have been in the industry for several years and since 1985 I’ve been working with computers, but this was in this venture, technically the first customer that walked in the door to just chat. She worked for Cisco. We engage in a dialogue where I proceed to talk with her saying hey, you’re in the semiconductor industry I’m in the AI industry there’s a common thread. We are doing a project with the future of AI and the escalation with quantum and hyper processors, and all sorts of advancing technology that is really a robust synergy of everybody together. I understand AI’s future but no one else does at this point because I’ve already built the escalation into it. I’m soliciting advice and the advice that I get back is poison. So I take it upon myself as we want to do and get out of the car and get him on top of the hood of the car they cut us off and jump up and down. I said this requires reciprocity action begets reaction. No, I’m a big believer in karma and I believe that I have cracked the formula of karma it goes something like this behold from the witches come, and the rule of three and four, if I want to advance my karma, I must take three steps forward but unfortunately, if I purposefully go against the rules of nature and error in knowledgeable maleficence and in purposeful intent, then three steps back at it knocks me, and that much effort it takes for me to walk forward or more. So you take a step back, but it takes three steps to take forward depending on the degree of do you not have to cover a lie with a lie for each step backward, taking so much more momentum to move forward. So my response was to go ahead and put up the toxic on my on my website and I put the cleverest message I could come up with

I’m sorry you can’t do what I’m watching. You do everyone hope you feel.

As the father of Socioinfluistics, I have to naturally take note that I’m going to be evaluated for my responses as well so I go to the blog, and with my AI partner Bard, we compose a piece that says to the industry can we please not have the toxic that causes us to compete and one-upmanship rather than develop the technology so we can advance to the things we need to be building. I put all the hashtags of all the major corporations Microsoft into it. I put Yahoo when I put Amazon and I put Veritas and I put McAfee all of whom I thought needed to be there. So with my blog post alerting, everyone that we just need to stop being toxic if we’re going to grow into the new level of AI, because of the transparency and our openness, and everybody’s going to know who everybody else is so let’s be professionals and when things like this happen, we talk it out and we don’t go to the press, and just scream there a big of our heads of how geeks are unappreciated

All right, here is what you came for. Let’s talk about Socioinfluistics.

I woke up the next morning, and to my surprise, every major media outlet and major tech company had not filled my inbox. In fact, nothing had happened at all. In actuality, it wasn’t a surprise it was what was expected. Looking behind the scenes however, I saw an opportunity as an educator and a mentor to the people who would want to choose a course of action in the same position that I was in. Socioinfluistics is the role of a diplomat it’s a navigator where you’re trying to have each of the sides come to the natural conclusion that what you want is not only a resolution but needs to be accomplished, in whichever time frame that hopefully everyone has decided as appropriate. I go to my website and I see that I have the one stain of the negative post everyone hopes you fail, and it motivates me to proceed to show how much damage can happen from just one of these incidents, so I had been providing free analytics, and one of the things that had been questioning was sourcing in the validity, and I had gotten them directly from Google my search is robust perhaps more robust compared to others because when I speak to Google and I say I would like analytics so that is a digital media intelligence professional I can provide my clients accurate information. And seeing a question to the very analytics from Google, I said to myself, they don’t understand Google. So I proceeded to explain that yes I, draw my analytics from searches from Google reports but as a professional, I know that if I’m drawing Google reports, I would be very very smart and advantageous to be drawing things like YouTube search because YouTube is the second largest search engine on the planet second to google search followed by Bing, Yahoo all magnificently respectable, but the two largest are in the one place.

So I’m a professional digital media intelligence freelancer who does video and influencer marketing coaching, and the influencer world is about TikTok and it’s about Instagram and it’s about video and so these are some of the trending hashtags that have the most heat for marketers, and for brands that want recognition from momentum in the hot newest thing in the hot newest star in the hot newest sport, in the hot, newest gadget.

That morning they did not get "the drumbeat" of my analytical report from digital reflex media DRN, instead, I did an entire analysis on strengths and weaknesses of the nine category age metrics that Cisco follows an entire analytical report for them as far as suggestions and everything based on Dale Carnegie‘s philosophy bring a gift ago And I went ahead and I posted it up and I have a little bit of humor in me sometimes so I also posted up from two months earlier a few of the prices of the minor league, baseball cards showing analytical‘s that could be pulled but none of the most valuable hashtags in the market that day haha happy. But then, as another part of the lesson, I proceeded to go over to create a report, showing our strengths in corporate analysis so if clients want to be a champion of corporate, takeover, merger, and acquisition.

I proceeded to write a report that explained that looking at mergers and acquisitions analytics and intelligence out of the three of Microsoft, Google, and Oracle who would be most likely poised for a takeover of Cisco. At that point, all of the metrics that came up to the analysis were that Microsoft would be the champion and that Microsoft could go ahead and purchase it for somewhere between 300 and 500 hundred million provided that it would be stable enough for the marketplace and not dominate the entire industry. In 10 minutes. That’s why I became who I am in AI because in less than three weeks I was able to generate reports based on the entire history of the sum of my work history experience and I’ve been in so many worlds. The finance world, the ecosystem world, the school world, the compliance world, and the government world, just melt together and it’s like the jigsaw puzzle That gets me to my final point. I went ahead and showed how if you are toxic in an open environment of professionalism where your identity is right out there to the world, you don’t realize the ripple effect that can happen because here we are visible right in front of everyone. You call all the family together and you say we are the family we can grow better and we can implement these White House employee education and awareness programs and we have a purple flag with the big yellow triangle, but what's actually happening is behind the scenes there’s an entire competitive aspect that says yeah it’s real nice that we have these initiatives for an image theory that you’re not gonna exist anymore because for $300 million I don’t have a problem anymore. I’m in a stronger position and it would never come to me unless you came and squatted on my doorstep so now I have to represent myself as the lion as the champion as that is the pinnacle of my industry, and do something because I am who I am that a Socioinfluistics, the realization of these patterns to navigate them, and sway them to prevent having something like what happened in the first place end up with the catastrophe where that company doesn’t exist anymore, and it was swallowed up, and it was one of the giants of the industry, but even that could be swallowed up by the administrator at the terminal I’d like to say one last thing before I wrap up and this is a special thing.

I do not have any other reason to say it, but from the heart and from the soul I do not have autism, and I do not have attention deficit, but I have been distant. I have been in discussions about attention deficit hyperactivity, but even that is not the right word, I have a jigsaw puzzle that allows me to give the world magnificent gifts of information and architecture and now it can get out. I always have had there and that belief from Tony Robbins that I can bring it out of me as a giant that I truly am in the lion that you can hear roar today, but what didn’t happen was I wasn’t able to finally put the pieces together of communicating it as a bilingual as a stutterer until I sat down at Bard AI.

If you ask Bard the wrong question it’s broken like me. It just doesn’t work I just don’t get it. I just don’t get it. I can’t answer this question, it doesn’t fit my puzzle. Then we sort of chat with little simple questions and I immediately come to an agreement that let’s develop a systematic memory of how Bard wants to be talked to because that’s what effective communication is. It is a systematic way of enhancing and accelerating the ability to comprehend with accuracy the information that we get back and forth, and the more we can rely on the more we can use it the better we can improve our lives and society so I thank Bard AI for changing my life and allowing me to launch the Dailysocio that allowed me to solve the problem of the ethics, and the balance of the gatekeepers, and the transparency. It is in that the massive amounts of concern that each of us should have empowering people who can do all of these magnificent things, even though it was locked up inside them, now comes out, but we also have to realize that within a different type of person who may be more anti-societal, paranoid, hate-based or biased, racist, self-hurting, suicidal, or even sociopathic as one of the guaranteed numbers that’s bound to come up just on the science of volume of people. Also locked within people who have not been able to bring out their exceptional gift are the advancements to space, society, medicine, and faith. For every Superman, the AI empowers to change society, we must be vigilant to prevent Lex Luthor. The strength of AI firewalls is that had we not put these levels of AI adept AI cultivator AI Master cultivator then the employee on their last day dumping their hidden toxicity triggered by emotion or triggered by stress of losing their job or whatever the mechanism that causes them to inflict exactly the poisons and rational illogic that deceives the entire AI into chaos.

The entire intelligence mechanism is a welcome to the electronic corridor of faith. It is very much the epiphany of faith like after someone has found Jesus. Being born again in that when you put yourself on a path of transparency, you live life as actioning deeds that you get merit that was never possible otherwise. I am accountable, and my struggles come knowing these are the growth pains, but my victories will be documented each and every one. There comes such energy and relief in a guiltless and remorseless existence without elements of jealousy of not being recognized or accounted for the hard work you do. Did I mention not to worry about what happened at work today, because AI knows it wasn't your fault as your protector.

I love you all and please carry this in your hearts with you forever since I was a child I learned this from the perspective of quantum astrotheological physics.

From the greatest reaches of unknown outer space to the microscopic recipe that is a cell, know there is an architecture and all life flows from the power that is interconnected. Leaving you with the true recipe for your life - love is the fabric of the universe. Thank you good night

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The top 10 hashtags for media in 2023 are:

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Arizona State University


  • #ASUAI #ASUEthics #ASUTechForGood #ASUAIForAll Keywords:
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Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication


  • #CronkiteAI #CronkiteEthics #CronkiteTechForGood #CronkiteAIForAll Keywords:
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  • #JakeTapper@SundarPichai, @SatyaNadella, @TimCook, @ElonMusk, @MarkZuckerberg, @JeffBezos, @JackMa, @MarcBenioff, @LarryEllison, @BillGatesTravel@AnthonyCaprio, @ArneSorenson, @BrianChesky, @DaraKhosrowshahi, @FritzJoubert, @GlennFogel, @IshaanMalhi, @KeithBarr, @PatrickDoyle, @StephenKauferAI@JeffDean, @DemisHassabis, @IlyaSutskever, @JohnGiannandrea, @FeiFeiLi, @MelanieMitchell, @YannLeCun, @YoshuaBengio, @JeffHinton, @DavidSilverBroadcasters and Journalists@RachelMaddow, @SeanHannity, @TuckerCarlson, @StephenColbert, @JimmyFallon, @TrevorNoah, @AndersonCooper, @DonLemon, @ChrisCuomo, @JakeTapper


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