How I Set up a Curriculum to Learn Data Science from Scratch
Houssem Sadki
Leading The Future in Ocean Data and Hydrospatial Driven Decision-Making
This is an article that I have written before in another publication when I decided to start this journey of learning how to code in Python and eventually learn data science.
I am starting this journey because of these big changes in the world that we’re seeing, and apparently, we’re heading to a world where being a practical engineer is not going to cut it anymore.
This week I started by gathering resources and creating the curriculum that I want to follow but I couldn’t handle the information that is spread online about all sorts of things IT-related, especially coding.
For full disclosure, I have a sweet spot for data, as I am a hydrographic engineer, after all, dealing with data acquisition, data processing, and remote sensing, is a huge part of the job. All of the software that I deal with in my day-to-day job consists of commercial solutions that cost a huge amount of money and don’t give me the required freedom to manipulate the data as I would’ve wished.
Following the same line of disclosure, it looks way more diversified to have the basics in data science along with field engineering in a data-related discipline such as hydrographic surveying and GIS, and that's how I decided to build my curriculum, I decided to opt for a data science Bootcamp that I will create by myself, through the uncountable Youtube video and Bootcamp landing pages that I scrolled for the past 3 months and this is how I broke down the final roadmap to becoming a data scientist :
1- Introduction to data science and linear regression
2- Introduction to python programming
3- Optimization and gradient descent
I chose the topics that I mentioned above based on several curriculums that I saw over the net, on Udemy, and several other online resources and I decided to build these three elements to tackle them first and understand them in depth at least to have something that I can build on it the infinity of disciplines that are out there and waiting for a data scientist to take them down.
Great free data science resources
I know that the roadmap I slapped on the page could be not suitable for everyone that is reading this article, the key component for successful road mapping is knowing enough about the optimal way for you to learn to take the best result possible out of your research for your resources online :
No matter how this experience may end, the one thing that I am 100% positive about, is that I am going to learn a skill that will maybe set me up for a different path, maybe not data science, maybe it is, but at least, it will set things in motion for my own butterfly effect, and personally, that idea is fine by me.