How I Run My Virtual Classes, Part 5: To Teach, First Learn
PLF Mohd Nadzrin Wahab
I am a Learning & Performance Specialist who helps people think, perform, connect and lead better in the workplace.
"How do I become a better Virtual Teacher?"
The best way to learn is to attend a lot of online classes, sign up for a lot of MOOCs and just experience various delivery styles as a participant.
Sometimes as facilitators, teachers, lecturers, trainers and coaches, we are blind to the learning experience, because we are not on the receiving end.
A good leader is also a good follower. Likewise, a good teacher is also a good student.
Fortunately, there are many free courses, webinars and classes being offered now. This is a fantastic opportunity to learn from the best and how they conduct their engagements online.
Pick up best practices and learn new tools to incorporate into your repertoire. Soon enough, you will create a solid teacher brand for yourself that will attract people to learn from you.
See you online!
Next: How I Run My Virtual Classes, Part 6 - The Spectrum of Online Learning
Nadzrin used to be a full-time Professional Learning Facilitator and a part-time father. But he was bitten by a radioactive daughter and he is now a full-time father and a part-time Professional Learning Facilitator.
?He runs 28 different workshops public and in-house, virtual and live in Workforce Performance Skills. Learn more at