How I moved from fear to trust
Photo by Bains des Paquis

How I moved from fear to trust

[Published for the first time on April 04, 2024 as a newsletter for my mailing list. Make sure to receive them all by registering here. I publish only a few of them on LinkedIn]

Fear drove almost my entire life

I was so young that I can't remember when it started, but I can say that my first twenty years were punctuated by daily panic attacks that would leave me literally shaking with fear for hours on end, without me understanding why.

They diminished from three a day to none at all, but the fear remained with me.

Fear of being wrong, of disappointing, of disturbing, of taking up too much space.

Ashamed of myself and all my desires.

But I have always had this something inside me that was stronger than anything. A determination and a conviction that told me that life was good, that I was made to be happy, to enjoy myself, to savour and build something great, something that made sense to me and that was good for the world.

So from one therapy to another, from one despair to another, from one victory to another, I moved forward. And eventually I stumbled upon the teachings and practices that change lives in short order.

I realised that suffering to get happy, spending 20 years of my life telling my problems and fears, was of little use, and that everything could be transformed in a few months if I devoted myself to the practice.

I accepted that I had a body and that this body was my ally. I learned to feel safe in it. I understood how to use its language to guide me. I combined what I had discovered on my own with the teachings of those I consider my masters.

I keep treading this path because it is a beautiful one. And so can you.

I describe the practice here. Don't ask yourself any questions. Be stubborn and decide to devote yourself to it, whatever you may think - too simple, stupid, magical... Don't discuss it with others. Do it for yourself and see what happens.

This tool teaches your body you are safe in life. The body is the gateway to the unconscious and only from a body that feels at peace and safe can you create the transformation you want.

In my next email I will explain how to build the life you truly desire based on this foundation. Until then, practise at least six times a day if you want to see change.

Your life is yours and your happiness is a necessity not only for you but for the world.

Give yourself permission to be free.

Take care,


ps: If you are a manager or entrepreneur and would like to see how this work can improve the quality and performance of your teams, or if you would like to work on an individual basis, please reply directly to this email and tell me about your situation.


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