How I Messed Up Goal Setting For Years
Dillon Mitchell
The Engineering Partner For Electrical Contractors & Automating Electrical Design in Revit
This is the time of year we need to be looking at our goals. What we want to achieve next year and how we should be looking at them. I’ve honestly struggled with goal setting for years. Sure I’ve done it and gone through the motions of thinking about what I want. Setting these huge and lofty goals. You know, the things all the guru’s tell you to do.
Only to find that year after year I’m disappointed. Sure, I knocked some goals off the list while others just fell by the wayside. Now I ask myself what I’m doing wrong. Surely there has to be more to this and I can’t be the only one that struggles with it. In fact, I know I’m not the only one.
How do I know? Because I see people all over the internet sign up for that new gym membership. Or see people come into the gyms I’ve been a member of after the new year. Only to have them go away and the few of us who’ve been there all year stick around.
What’s different? What do the people who achieve their goals have different than the rest of us who just can’t seem to get it together? I honestly don’t know if this is the right answer, but it’s my train of thought. Maybe it makes sense, maybe it doesn’t. Here’s what I do know. This is how I’m planning out my new year. This is how I’m thinking about goals and this is what’s going to make a difference, I believe in this next year.
Now, since this is going to be a longer topic and I won’t be able to cover but a few things in this post, I put the rest of my plan in my December Newsletter, which you can still sign up for at
Here is the first thing I’m doing with my goals. Following the guru. Here’s the deal, I do believe that you need to have big goals. Big dreams. That you do need to shoot for the stars. Figure out what you really truly want in life. What you want that life to be like. What you want your days to look like and how you want to live and who you want to live it with. All of this matters. You need to have a clear picture of it.
What I think that we get wrong and it messes basically everything up is our timing. How long it’s going to take you to reach your goals is not what you think. From everything I see, it’s a 10, 15, 20 year journey to get where you want to go. Meaning I am no where near where I want to be.
Mainly cause where I want to be and the life I want to lead is primarily on the water in a yacht, built by the most prestigious yacht builder in the world, Lurssen. This is going to take a long time.
This clarity on what you want is paramount and you should never lose sight of that dream, of that goal. This I believe is correct. It’s just not going to happen next year. So then how do you break down goals for the next year? This is what I’ll explain in my newsletter this month, because it is a longer discussion.