How I make Six Figures Consistently Year over Year.

How I make Six Figures Consistently Year over Year.

With a title like this it’s probably assumed that there is some trick, gimmick or weird ritual that I’ve put in place to achieve this. I don’t like to disappoint but this is not one of those stories.

I make a consistently six figure income mainly because of I have found a way marry the basic human quality of genuinely wanting to help people with a skill that I have worked hard at becoming competent in.

That’s it! That’s the magic sauce of consistency that I have found and the great news is that you can do this as well.

The steps to achieving this I’ve found, begin with self. I had to will myself to pay attention to myself. What I mean by this is I had to become conscious of things like:

What am I good at?
What actions do I do effortlessly?
What was my most enjoyable experience, what about it did I like?
What do others struggle with that I find not difficult?
What brings me the most happiness and satisfaction?

Writing it out here like this makes me see that a large part of this is about asking questioning to myself. I had to and still do take a spectators seat to my words, thoughts and actions.

I’m not going to say that this was a consistent effort from day one, but rather an intermittent effort that slowly intensified over the years. As I kept asking questions like these and observed my actions it became clear that I was really fueled by the smiles of people. This might sound strange, but the connection that I feel when I exchange a genuine smile with someone is like no other. I found that this was the emotional connection that triggered good feelings within.

So, how can I create a process whereby I can generate a genuine smile from someone? I found that, if I tap danced in a tutu, this would definitely get people smiling and downright laughing as my 6’2’’ frame destroyed anything sacred about dancing. But seriously, I wanted that genuine smile, the kind smile that is the end result of knowing that the person really wants to share their appreciation for what you’ve done for them. Yes, the kind of smile that money just cannot buy.

What I’ve found is, when I give true value to someone and become a bridge to something they would like to achieve for themselves, it sets the stage for genuine appreciation.

The question now became, how do give value to someone? Where do I find it? Well the answer came out of the first step of looking at myself and asking the questions I mentioned earlier. When I really stepped through each question, examined myself in a top of mind and conscious way, it became clear what value I can provide to others.

In my case, I enjoy logic, I found that I like solving puzzles, taking fragments and putting the pieces together to form a bigger picture. I spent an unhealthy amount of time playing video games and listening to and making music. I pulled apart many transistor radios and other electronic gadgets (angering my dad), just curious about their insides and the components that came together to make it work. I gravitated toward others who thought similarly; I was a DJ with a group that’s pretty popular now and built audio speakers with a mentor who designed them from scratch.

These were some of answers that surfaced when I began to really question myself. I realized that this was my natural calling, these were the things I identified that I did effortlessly without the sense that I had to “work hard” at this.

So eighteen years ago when I turned to working with Databases and SQL as my area of study this was by no means a conscious action of answering those questions. Instead it was another one of my unconscious actions that deserved to be consciously examined in the context of, “Why am I doing this?”

It occurred to me, this is how I am going to do it! This is how I am going to get people to express genuine emotion in the currency of smiles of appreciation. 

As I became more focused on the aspect of helping others via this channel, I learned that financial reward was just a byproduct of the real transactions that occur between people. The more I focused on delivering quality via a channel (talent or skill) that came to me without effort, the more I was able to see and experience a genuine human emotional quality. The smiles I receive are a beautiful expression of this.

I focused even more and began teaching the skill of SQL, Databases and Data Analysis. I do this effortlessly and am driven by delivering a standard and quality that translates to genuine satisfaction by my students. The smiles were my barometer of value delivered.

In conclusion, this is the secret sauce regardless of what career, business or service you are providing to others. It takes some self-study, asking yourself the questions that get to the core of what makes you feel satisfaction within. Questions that help you to know yourself and how you can angle your natural skills and abilities toward the service of others. The genuine emotional response that you receive from people will be your barometer for gauging how well aligned you are in providing value. 

I must also mention that this process will get you closer to recognizing what your natural talent and abilities are. However, despite how naturally good you are at something, there is no substitute for the work that you must put into refining your natural abilities. I had to and still do put in a ton of time (hours, days, weeks, months and years) to practicing my natural abilities in a specialized area (Databases and SQL). This is not meant to be a deterrent in any way, but the simple reality of anyone who has excelled at anything. Putting in the work is just part of it and starting NOW is the only way to do it!

If you would like to see me in action and at the same time find out if what I specialize in is a path for you, I would like to invite you to the my next FREE webinar, you can register with this link. Even if SQL, Databases and Data Analysis is not even in your vocabulary; the natural talent that you have follows the same process to being fully realized. I’d love to help and be a part of that in whatever little way I can.

Keywords: #SQLTW, #SQL, #Database, #BigData, #DataScience, #STEM, #BeYourself, #Goals, #Success, #Smile


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