How I Made 11 Sales In a Single Day!
By Douglas Massi

How I Made 11 Sales In a Single Day!

How many appointments were scheduled that day?

On this day I actually had 14 appointments set up. Yes, I start early and work late on field days. The interesting thing, is that these appointments were actually spread out among 3 cities that day. To make things more interesting, one of the cities is this huge rural area that's all spread out. None of the appointments were next to each other and I was going early to some of them and late to others. The prospects in this city were all home for the appointment. This backs my theory that with final expense prospects, being early or late to the appointment, has very little relevance to making the sale.

How do you get so many appointments in one day?

I use an appointment setter. Just to be clear, the last thing that any first year agent will want to do is hire an appointment setter. You must first master the art of setting appointments. Once you have appointment setting down, and you are ready to increase your weekly leads, then you can look into hiring a setter. By doing this, you change your entire sales model. This can be a game changer when done correctly. Remember this! No one is going to work your leads the way that you will. Don't expect an appointment setter to get as many appointments as you do from the same amount of leads. It's just not going to happen.

Should I just hire an appointment setter now?

The idea of hiring an appointment setter isn't so that you can work less, it's so you can work smarter. By increasing your weekly leads and having a setter that works as a team member, you will spend more time making presentations. Think about it! If you have more appointments set up, and you don't have to spend hours and hours setting your own appointments, you have more time to door knock and make presentations. More presentations equals more sales. If you try to hire a setter without increasing your weekly leads, you will likely end up with more expenses, and LESS money coming in. This negative impact can put you out of business.

Did you write a bunch of people in one family or household?

As usual, I mainly wrote single people on that day. On a typical day, most of my sales come from writing singles. This day was no different. I believe there were 2 couples and 7 single sales. I'm not sure why it usually works out this way, but I consistently make more single sales than couples or families. This may sound like a lie but, it's normal for me to write 6 or 7 singles in a typical day. If you watch this video below, you can see a copy of my schedule and see how I make this possible.

How do you call a point of sale interview 11 times in one day?

Just to be clear, I lead with a carrier that has no point of sale interview. This should only be done when you have mastered the art of field underwriting. Most agents that try to lead with Security National Life or Transamerica end up having to go back to the clients house. This hassle is eliminated when leading with a carrier that does a point of sale interview and let's you know if the client is approved, while you're sitting with the client. The nice thing about Security National Life, is that you can use their E Application and get an on the spot approval, in just a few minutes.

What are your favorite final expense sales carriers?

Security National Life - Easy underwriting for NON POS

Royal Neighbors of America - My favorite for new agents to Lead with

Mutual Of Omaha - Very competitive rates and name brand recognition

Transamerica - Great COPD and blood thinner niche

American Amicable - Competetive rates, POS interview, drafts true SS billing

AETNA/American Continental - Rarely offers graded, easy underwriting

Standard Life and Casualty - Price Buster Carrier

Columbian Life - Huge Renewals

Americo - Niche carrier for COPD and tobacco users

Lincoln Heritage - We replace more of these policies than any other company

Check out the video below for more on how to make a lot of sales in a single day!

Douglas Massi


[email protected]




