How I lost and gained my handset?
Most of the time my Evergreen Friend Smiling at me. Sometimes HIS was mischievous.
I am habitual of losing my mobiles during an auto ride. It happened five times so far and the last time it was almost 4-5 years ago.
Yesterday (09/09). I was little late for my Physiotherapy session (9.30 AM IST) and naturally, was tensed. The availability of an auto for less than 1 km ride was always a challenge - a minimum charge of INR 30 will go upto INR 50 depending on the mood of the drivers (the apps display approximately around INR 100 due to prime time hence not considered at all).
I got an auto, the driver wearing a good yellow colored turban around his head immediately accepting to switch on the meter sprung a surprise. During the short ride, I was watching my mobile with my bag open. After browsing for 5 minutes, I dropped the mobile and closed the bag. The traffic was already thick and it took close to 15 minutes to reach the destination.
I got down from the auto, paid the driver minimum fare, watched the driver taking a turn and tried to reach the elevator The moment I entered and pressed the elevator, I sensed something wrong and Lord Ganesa started HIS Smile. As my bag was light - I opened and found my mobile was missing.
I came out immediately, looked for the auto/driver but could not find him. For two minutes, I do not know how to react to this situation, went blank. The thought - I forgot to take the mobile while leaving the home, realized and picked up through Maami (wife in Thamizh) - lingering my mind and my tension cannot be described in words (Maami's scolding on my carelessness though usual but since this was a grave mistake, I was genuinely worried).
Regaining composure, I saw one policeman trying to start his motorbike. I approached him, told I lost my mobile in the auto and requested him to call my number. He looked at me more than once - Lord Ganesa is Grinning now - and finally called my number. I was having slim hope as I left in the back seat and not sure whether the driver would have noticed if he was driving empty.
To my surprise, the call was picked up and the policeman immediately stated he was calling from JP Nagara Police Station and asked the details in Kannada. I was gaining confidence as the conversation was going on the positive side. The policeman asked me to sit in the pillion which I had not done in the last one year.
We reach near RV Aster Hospital (close to 500m rde) and the auto driver was waiting with the passenger(s). He handed over the mobile to me in the presence of the policeman. I thanked him profusely and offered my sincere apologies for making them to wait. He accepted and uttered 'Saar! Be careful' - a statement I thought came from my Evergreen Friend itself.
The policeman dropped me at Physiotherapy center. I thanked him too and asked his name. He said, "...."
Yes. Your conclusion is correct. It was one of the names of my Beloved Friend Smiling Lord Ganesa.
Maami still scolded me for my utter carelessness after narrating the incident but this time the tone was soft.