How i lost 29 kgs by correcting by hormones on my own research without any Medical Intervention/Guidance
My weight was 90 kgs a year ago. I tried everything but nothing worked. I did regular calorie Tracking and intense workouts but no result.
Since i am a Physiologist i understood that something is wrong with my hormones.
I knew correcting hormones with medication would cause further weight gain.
Therefore, from my Medical Physiology and Biochemistry books I did lot of study to understand which hormones were the culprit.
I found 4 major hormones and i corrected them naturally without any medical treatment and without consulting any nutritionist.
The 4 major hormones were -
Low T3
1) Insulin-I realised that when we consume Carbohydrates particularly processed ones our Sugar spikes up and to control that our Insulin spikes further.
Once sugar drops we feel hungry and eat more carbohydrates and again it rises sugar and in turn insulin. This is a vicious cycle called Insulin Resistance.
So ideally one should stop eating processed carbohydrates and have complex Carbohygrates.
However in my case i totally stopped all sorts of Carbohydrates both Processed and Complex.
With this i reversed my Insulin resistance. I do not have any lifestyle disesase like diabetes, Cholesterol.
But people who suffer from life style diseases like diabetes, Cholesterol, PCOS/PCOD I feel reversing insulin resistance can get you out of these disease permanently . all you need is to eliminate Carbohydrates as much as possible.
2) Cortisol- I had little insomnia which elevated cortisol. Cortisol is a stress hormone which causes weight gain and multiple health issues.
I reduced by Cortisol by regularly doing breathing exercises and my insomnia issue got resolved. Cortisol also can be lowered by regular exercise because exercise reduces stress and release endomorphins "a feel- good hormone".
3) Ghrelin- Ghrelin is a hunger hormone and causes binge eating.
Conversely, Leptin is a satiety hormone which does make you hungry.
Ghrelin is also associated with high carb diet. I rectified Ghrelin by doing prolonged water fast one 2-3 days once in 3 months.
When you consume nothing but only water first 2 days your Ghrelin level incerases but on third day it starts stabilising.
If prolonged water fast performed once in 3 months i starts helping stabilising Ghrelin and causes Leptin sensitivity which does not make you feel hungry often.
4) Low T3- I started having iodized salt and and had some ayurvedic pill for low T3 which brought my levels much above normal within 15 days.
If you have major health complications like diabetes, high cholesterol, , PCOS/PCOD or Obesity reducing Carbohydrate intake can only help you.
Although i stopped Carbohydrates completely, I really recommended you to have Complex carbohydrates.
I wanted to share my personal experience with all to spread good Health.
I am sharing my Jul 2023 pic and Jun 2024 pic highlighting the drastic weight loss in me.
Thanks and Regards,
Amita Rao
5 个月Great advice