How I Live My Life...

How I Live My Life...

Have you ever felt like you’re on top of the world one moment, only to find yourself stressed and overwhelmed the next?

This rollercoaster of emotions isn’t random, it’s a reflection of the energy within us.

One of the key principles I emphasise to my clients is the importance of understanding and mastering our own energy.

But what does that really mean?

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We are all made up of different types of energy.

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???????????????? ????????????: This is the building-up, constructive energy that our brains release when we feel good. It helps us stay focused, productive, and optimistic. It’s the energy that propels us forward, enabling us to thrive.

?????????????????? ????????????: On the flip side, catabolic energy is a tearing down, destructive force. It’s the energy of stress, triggered by the fight-or-flight response, and it can drain us both mentally and physically. This energy is often associated with feelings of fear, anger, or helplessness.

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The first step to mastering your energy is awareness.

Energy is fluid—it fluctuates continually throughout the day. You might be feeling positive and focused one minute, and then stressed and distracted the next.

The key is understanding why.

Our thoughts create our feelings. If you're feeling drained, it's likely that your thoughts are aligned with a lower level of energy, which is more catabolic in nature.

Conversely, if you're content and happy, your thoughts are probably aligned with an anabolic perspective.

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So, how can you manage your energy to stay more anabolic than catabolic?

?????????????????? ??????????????????: This involves being aware of your thoughts, feelings, and emotions in real time.

The more you practice this, the better you become at identifying when you’re slipping into a catabolic state.

?????????????????????? ????????????: Recognise the kinds of thoughts and beliefs that block you from experiencing anabolic energy.

We all have limiting beliefs, assumptions, fears, and interpretations that drain our energy.

These thoughts often arise unconsciously, pulling us into a lower-energy state without us even realising it.

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After years of practice, I now live by the understanding that there are seven levels of energy, which we all experience in varying degrees at any given time.

A portion of our energy is catabolic, and the rest is anabolic.

The goal is to consciously access more anabolic energy.

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???????????? ??-??: These are catabolic levels. Level 1 is marked by a victim mentality, where we feel powerless. Level 2 is characterised by conflict energy, often leading to anger and frustration.

???????????? ??-??: These are anabolic levels. As we move up the levels, we experience more constructive, positive energy that enhances our well-being and productivity.

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Let me share a real-life example.

Just this morning, I woke up with a bad back. Even though I’ve had a great week overall, the physical discomfort distracted me mentally.

I found myself mindlessly scrolling on social media, which led to judgemental thoughts about others and, soon enough, self-judgement. My feel-good energy quickly evaporated.

But here’s where energy mastery comes in.

I recognised the energy drain. Instead of continuing down that path, I chose to stretch and ease the discomfort in my back.

I also challenged my judgemental thoughts by reframing them, which brought me back to a higher energy level.

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There are ?????? ?????? ?????????? that influence how we show up in life:

????????????: Your thoughts and mindset.

??????????????????: Your feelings and emotional responses.

????????????????: Your body and its needs.

????????????: Your relationships and social interactions.

??????????????????: Your sense of purpose and connection.

??????????????????????????: Your surroundings and how they affect you.

If your energy is drained in one or more of these areas, it will likely impact the others.

This interconnectedness is why awareness is so critical.

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Mastering your energy isn’t just about feeling better in the moment—it’s about shaping your entire life.

The more anabolic energy you cultivate, the happier and more fulfilled you’ll be. And according to the law of attraction, the energy you put out is the energy you’ll attract back.

So, if you want to attract love, joy, and opportunities into your life, you first have to embody those qualities yourself.

By mastering your energy, you gain the power to create the life you desire.

Mastering your energy is a lifelong practice, but the rewards are profound.

The more you practice, the more in control you become over how you think, feel, and show up in life.

It’s not just a philosophy, it’s a way of living that has dramatically changed my life for the better.

And once you learn it, there’s no going back.

Remember, the energy you resonate with determines the quality of your life.

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If you're interested in learning more about how you can create a more highly energised way of being consistently, simply ?????????? ?????? ???????? ??????????.

Let’s work together to help you master your energy and transform your life.


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