How I Hold Attention Longer Than Netflix

How I Hold Attention Longer Than Netflix

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Audience Captivation Roadmap – How I Hold Attention Longer Than Netflix

Netflix had 192.95 million consumers in 2019. The number has only gone up since. Yet I compete with Netflix, and I'm winning on one metric. Netflix's average watch time is 2 hours a day. That's 14 hours a week. My average consumer is with me 20 hours a week. This article gives you my audience captivation roadmap so you, too, can hold your audience's attention for a long time.

Focus On What Makes Them Look Good, Not What Looks Good.

This is my first rule of content creation. Too many people are so concerned with making content that looks good that they aren't dropping enough content to get in front of enough people. Remember why people are watching your content. If it is only because of how good it looks, then you are in trouble. Netflix, Hulu, and Big Studios can always make their stuff look better. They have more money. But if your audience is with you because of the unique value you give, which makes them perform better, they'll consume as much as they have to, regardless of how the content looks.

Let There Be Volume.

No, I am not talking about the audio volume. I mean you must have enough content for the audience to be with you for 14 to 20 hours a week. Why do you think my consumers are with me that long? Because I drop that many hours of fresh content. Netflix has 140 million hours of content. No single consumer will ever run out of content to watch on Netflix if the company stopped getting new content. But they spend millions to drop fresh content. Because freshness is key to captivation. That's one area I'm constantly looking to improve. I want to drop so much content in a week that it takes more than a week for my most devout fans to go through it.

Engagement Is The Holy Grail.

The most important metric in any social media will never be the number of likes but the depth of engagement. This is where photo content platforms are off. You can tell how many people like a photo, but not how much they like it. Maybe with comments, you can discern a qualitative conclusion. But with Youtube, you know the watch time. That's what I focus on. I don't care if only seven people played my video. I'm concerned with how long they watched. For this, I take questions, I address their problems, and I constantly seek knowledge to bring value.

To sum it up, disregard all inhibitions and excuses about putting out content. People don't care how good your content looks, they're concerned with whether or not it gives them an edge. Moreover, there should be enough content for them to watch, so you have to drop more content than they can catch up on. Lastly, you have to be more interested in the watch time than the number of people watching. Adjust your content to grow the watch time. Before you know it, you will have a small (but passionate) following. And from there, I'll teach you how to scale your audience while retaining the same level of passion.

I leave you in the love and in the light of the One Infinite Creator. Go forth, then, rejoicing in the power and the peace of your dreams.

Antonio T Smith Jr

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