How I Help My Team
A nearly exact replication of what I sent to my Healy team. My goals are to help them further understand the value of the technology, use that understanding to encourage them to help others with free registration now and make sure they can know they can use what I am sending them with others which saves them time in helping more. Note this approach applies to any business. So here it is
Hello this is going to my Healy team. For those who are building I encourage you to share this or something similar with them. (I have all Larry's contacts and I am helping Larry build)
The Value of Healy
This recording went live after I wrote this email The email contains summary information that was on the webinar. I highly recommend watching this and some of the following is in the description section. It is outstanding
For a brief introduction to what Healy does including a 2.5 minute video, read this information Please note this article links to me, If you use it change it to your contact information. Understand this: the frequencies coming from Healy to help the body, mind and spirit are unique for each individual AND unique for when the individual is running a Healy program. What that means if say you have a physical injury and you are running the pain program. Healy will draw in the frequency you resonate with at the moment you are running the program. Later or the next day it will be drawing in the frequency needed at that point. I think the pain program has well over 1,000 frequencies. So what about the virus? In the US we cannot make any claims. In other countries the rules are not as rigid. What we know is Healy is FDA Class 2. We also know there are specific programs for strengthening the body's bioenergetic field. (Bioenergetics approach is to assess and correct the body’s unified field as well as the individual fields and information pathways that control everything happening at the biochemical level.) The stronger the bioenergetic field the more likely we will be successful in being healthy.
If you take some time to read more about Healy you are likely to conclude this device is amazing and actually in some respects difficult to comprehend because we do not see feel touch or smell frequencies. Not many people right now appreciate that there is a quantum chip in Healy that measures what each person needs at the point of measurement. Not many can understand and appreciate there are 144,000 frequencies in the Gold Package which is the entry level edition of Healy. It may seem like Healy is new. The reality the precursor to Healy was first tested in 2004 and then brought to market in 2007 That was the TimeWaver system used by clinics. In 2012 the founder of TimeWaver began working on the idea of a system in every home. It took 7 years before they were ready to launch Healy. The fisrt Healy was sold in January 2019. Now Healy is in 42 countries and there are 36,000 users. That number will rapidly pass 100,000 with the launch in the US.
Healy Is In 42 Countries and Launches In the US In May
Here is what I know about a Healy launch and why you should get everyone you know including family members to register. Between now and launch date we have the opportunity to educate people on the value of Healy. There is a private group on Facebook and groups for Healy on Telegram (a smartphone app) If we are connected on Facebook you will soon get an invite from me to the Healy Facebook Group. Personally I pay more attention to what is in the library in our back office and what is published on YouTube. Nearly all of the videos I find valuable on YouTube I republish on my YouTube Channel Here is the link
Registration Is Free Now and Here Is Why Everyone Should Get Registered
Encourage everyone to register because each person gets a website and access to the Healy Academy filled with valuable information about how Healy is great for our health. Plus all who register will be first in line when Healy launches in the US in May. Based on launches in other countries the bonuses will be outstanding so you do not want to miss them. ( All I need to register for you is first name, last name, physical address including zip, email address, cell phone, the name you want on your website - most use their name a preferred password and I will get it done for you. Again all no charge and no obligation. Email me [email protected] now or text me the info 727-224-4743 )
I have seen what Healy does for a launch. They offer incredible incentives and my view is the ones that will be on the table for the US launch will be outstanding. For example if you buy a Healy Gold Package at launch (pricing estimated to be about $550 with shipping) they are likely to give you an automatic upgrade to the next edition at no charge which is a $500 value. Of course I am not going to know what the incentives will be until the launch. But I have seen what they have done in other countries.
You can provide many people a lot of value by helping them get registered for free now and thinking about what level you want to come in at when Healy launches. I estimate the maximum spend for the entire Healy package including the Healy watch will be aboiut $3100 Remember if you build a team even a small one your commissions and bonuses can have that paid for maybe from the start. Recently I helped a friend register and I know what they want want to purchase - the complete package . I have more on my team ready to do the same. Why - because they see the value. If you want help with positioning your self for $550 or more let me know I am likely able to help you. Get it in place now so you are ready to go
Each one of you has received the 85 page brochure and Healy manual. (If you have not seen this email me and I will send it to you and the following is clearly for everyone who has registered. Notice how I am advising my team to grow.) Everyone getting this has a Healy website and log in information to your back office. In my opening email for you I gave information on how to register someone and where to access the library. If you need help with any of this just let me know. These resources and the videos begin to give you the idea on the value of Healy. For now get people registered. Use a version of my article or just the 2.5 minute video in the article and on YouTube. There is time to help people understand Healy and you will see more emails from me with information that you can use.
If there is just one thing I hope you understand that would be frequency. Every part of us has a range of frequencies. Healy has the specific range of frequencies that help the body restore cells to a healthy state which is -70 where it is needed most at the time we are running the programs. All other devices I am aware of that use frequency have a defined pattern and does not change based on the specific need. Healy offers a huge advantage and the value at the entry edition is huge. Do not feel pressured into having a higher edition because when you listen to the founder you will hear him talk the most about the Gold Package which is the entry edition.
Questions/Comments? Contact me directly and this is the suggested signature when communication about Healy
Steve Pohlit
Independent Healy Representative
Text/Whats App 727-224-4743