How I Handle My Mental Health: For October 10th World Mental Health Day
Elton Kuah (Digital Marketer and Market Research)
Founder | Market Research | Digital Marketing Training, Digital Marketing Consultancy, Digital Transformation | Helping companies boost better profit with market data and B2B digital marketing technology
??Today, October 10th is Mental Health Day (#WorldMentalHealthDay).? Given that mental health is important in the current and post-pandemic era.
Have decided to share my own list on How I am Handling Mental Health in Work and Life, also from my current and previous trip, and hope it may be helpful for anyone who may be reading this.
Here's the list of my own tips as following:
For Self Note: the cover image (Bruce Lee photo here) and other photos included are my own and tips shared are my personal practice, and it reminds me of a life quote for a mental health-related which I am sharing at the end of this article.
??For #Work Purpose Prioritization and how to handle with #timewaster: I learned that the 20% rule somehow didn't work?so well for me on side projects, so I just focus on the top 3 priorities during a week and use the Pomodoro Technique to just work the best way of managing the time that I have.
Also, as a company leader, think along mid to long term, on how you build trust within your team members to help for your business, (especially in the downtimes) and looking to visualize your ideal vacation/sabbatical. (Note: it's a mind trick to training my brain to ensure I work productively is the aim rather than the goals if achievable or not).
??Catching up with your friend and be a hero to your friends (via check-in) would be great. Imagine I am your Hero Perfect During Emergency Scenario.
I have had the privilege to reconnect with fellow incomes treamer (#Quaranteam) lately and most have a chance to hear about their feelings, and sharing that helps everyone to stay in good mental health and deal with times when feeling troubled.
Thanks to @ConnieNeal for reconnecting.?Give kudos to our mates here, #Quaranteam that we reconnected through tough times (as some share their challenges on handling Covid from their end and their relative close one who is dealing with a serious sickness and how we prayed for the person).
??Writing letters to the ones you loved and passed on the memory. I once wrote to my late grandfather and tell my appreciation for it.? (P.S. if you happen to have your kids, you can train them to help you write the thoughts and contribute along as can be good parent-kid bonding too)
??Collection of your best memory and letter I have is the best key to mental health as remembering happy memories. If you want to try out new skills, photo editing to make old memories,? I use tools such as #Snapseed.
??Live and be silly once in a while can be worthwhile. Being silly sometimes in the right context and occasion for myself can be a cool reliever like in the Halloween attires, certain? a photo like I was in a penguin photo in conference to prevent Covidspread (hint: look at cool penguin picture and Halloween cover face and ensure that you have enough ventilation for both)
?? Learn to get kids to guide you through a mental health exercise via shared responsibility
This mainly works only if yours kid are ADHD in nature and is contributing part of your stress.
Am sharing how I am working to handle the stress of managing the younger generation via a #akiddayexerrcise (one of my training to handle ADHD kids). This example is an activity done during a #youngkidstourambassadorday where I help to?make "The Older Kids Take Responsibility" and "Get the Kids Involved in Packing Their Gear" as part of #stressmanagement reliever and they get to utilize activity energy during communication with foreign tourist and learn some useful skills along.
While some people may say kids is not easy to handle, the way on how they handle themselves eloquently in the midst of chaotic situation, and my smile of seeing the "organized chaos" as a stress reliever is my most key learnings in managing #mentalhealthbalance. Bet didn't realize that younger generation can teach me a thing or two on this too (instead of the other way round).
(Important Picture Note: the picture was taken during a pre-Covid era when face mask and social distancing was not needed and not an issue)?
??Reminding myself an important quote via my idol is a mentalhealth reinforcement exercise. (My picture with Bruce Lee is what reminds me of this inspiration).
Imagine if my late idol is BruceLee is still alive,? he would say something like this?"I'd rather have a life of 'oh wells'? than a life of 'what ifs'". That's how you view a life".?Credit Image: Quote Library
Think I have the same message similar to a previous wrestling legend, WWE Wrestler, Mick Foley that I have met during a book signing of author fans meetup session.
?? Level out your attitude would be good key (picture is from my old workshop as using alphabet numbers to tabulate 100% scores) and its summation towards perspective of religion, live value, and how you view yourself and others.
?? Learning from another mental health advocate
??This last part is credit and thanks to #LinkedinNewsAsia and @Yunita Ong for her post of sharing of other #mentalhealth advocates, and the links below of the MentalHealthDay would be helpful to look into if you need the more useful insight of mental health details that I may miss out or not covered much.
??The post link on the Linkedin News Asia Mental Health Day Post and #mentalhealthadvocate Mental Health Advocates To Follow
@Melissa Ng @Jasmine Badge @Sha-En Yeo MAPP @Noelle Lim @Sabrina Ooi? @Ratna Juita @Crystal? Lim-Lange @Syimah Jasni @Devanantthan Ragupathi? @Natalia Rachel @Jonathan Kuek
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3 年Great tips!