How I got punched in the face
original image by JW Bantz on Unsplash

How I got punched in the face

The best-laid schemes... Or, as Mike Tyson put it:?Everybody has a plan, until they get punched in the face.

I had a plan. And then I got punched in the face, so to speak.

They say a plan is a dream with a deadline. That sounds about right. So I took my dream and tied it to a deadline. It was tight but seemed right. And then it hit me - right in the face.

I came up against health and family issues. I found snags in the plan. There's so much going on that keeps stealing time away. Murphy, bad luck, lousy planning; call it what you will. I think that, most of the time, it's just Life.?

That kind of sh*t happens. All I need to do is deal with it. The punch felt real enough but didn't break my face - only my deadline.

First, there was an idea that grew into a dream. Initially, it didn't have a name. Then I gave it the working title GrammarBob. Now, it has grown into Leon's grammarCORE - LeonsgCORE for short (website URL in the comments). My plan got me that far.

The dream is alive. All it needs is a new deadline.

So there's some exciting news coming in 2023...

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grammarCORE/GrammarBob's continuing mission: to boldly go where no grammar has gone before and make essential English grammar easy for all

grammarCORE: I help English language teachers discover how a groundbreaking approach to grammar will empower them and their students (grammar Concept for One-Rule English)

grammarCORE – less is morebecause grammar should HELP, not hinder

Ricardo Torres

Private English Teacher - Ajudo a desenvolver e melhorar seu inglês para entrevistas de emprego | Apresenta??es | Certificados internacionais | Testes de proficiência para mestrado | Viagens

1 年

Hey, Leon Lentz, hope you have got over the bump you have come across. That’s it, the plan is still on but with a different deadline. Keep calm and carry on. Old line but true. Tks for sharing.



