How I Found Mobile App Projects with LinkedIn ProFinder
rudy Rupak
Force Multiplier in the Tech and Entertainment Industry (been in AI long before it was cool to be in AI)
Dear LinkedIn
My team and I are really delighted that LinkedIn has created ProFinder. Our experience has been quite successful thus far. Thanks to ProFinder we have received over $250,000 in billings to build iOS, Android and Xamarin from three clients. Our clients are very happy and impressed with our work and we of course would have never had the opportunity to have encountered these amazing clients.
We were an early adopter of ProFinder and while there were some initial growing pains we are seeing a lot quality clients. Initially there were a lot of potential clients who were looking for people who want to work for equity only but after informing LinkedIn of this consistently I am glad they addressed the issue. I think Profinder provides an excellent way to connect service providers with professionals require short term or medium term services. Thank you LinkedIn and I look forward to more process improvements.