How I fell into Bullet Journaling

How I fell into Bullet Journaling

Awhile back I had some friends over and the conversation turned to personal organization and my ever present to do list. I have always done the “To Do” list and since I started on the path to change careers, it has gotten even worse (better?). At my previous job I was always on the computer and I had my task manager on my PC and a notebook at home. Since I have been working from home, I am not always on or near a PC and my notepad started to grow like crazy.

This brings me back to the conversation with my friend. After seeing my style, he showed me something called “bullet journaling.” I can’t say that I was immediately hooked but I definitely wanted to learn more. And the very next day I spent my time at the gym watching videos while I was on the treadmill. It looked like it would be right up my alley and it would only take a little adjustment and a few basic supplies.

The basic premise is using a quick bullet/not system with different bullets for the different types of items (ie, tasks, events, notes, High Priority, etc.) The point is to be brief so it remains quick. That’s the easy part and it’s something I already do. The real secret is the flow of the journal because of the index and page numbers. This makes referencing previous entries and pages much easier and faster than what I had before. They also include a Monthly and future log to stay on top of long term deadlines. I use google calendar because I need to keep track of multiple schedules but putting big items in the journal will keep most things in one place.

 It did take a little time to set up initially but I can already tell a difference in my ability to track what I need to do and have done. I am currently on day 2 so we shall see how it works in the long term. A lot of the videos I watched had lots of cute decorations and doodles. Mine has some pretty paper right now but I don’t know if I will really do much decorating. Again we shall have to see how it progresses.


I also learned about some neat products if you really like journals and fun pens.

Bullet Journaling

Goulet Pens – Midori Supplies


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