How I feel at home anywhere in the world
The world is changing fast. Never have we been more interconnected and the choices of what to do and where to live are endless. But with this freedom comes the doubt …
While we’re able to go anywhere we like and explore the world, it’s just as easy to feel lost at some point, to crave stability and continuity. In times where many people leave the places they were growing up in, have you ever asked yourself where you actually belong, where you can come back to, where you feel at home?
Our co-founder Jonas certainly has - that’s why he shares his thoughts and personal experiences in our new?YouTube video.
He also provides reflection questions that you can ask yourself to become aware of what makes you feel at home somewhere:
1. Which places feel familiar, express warmth and give me comfort?
For some it may be their childhood home, the apartment they’re living in now, a particular country, city, or neighborhood. You can define it as broadly or specific as you like. But if you think about it, is there any place that you feel connected to, where you feel like sighing it all out and where you can replenish your resources?
2. Where do I feel authentic?
Jonas shares: "To me, home is where social norms and expectations don’t play a role, where I don’t have to prove myself."
Are there any contexts where letting go of self-consciousness comes easily to you, where you don’t fear being evaluated or rejected? Because isn’t home about these contexts where you can truly be yourself, where you don’t have to play-act or accomplish something in order to defend your existence?
3. Which activities help me express myself and actualize myself?
This may not be the first thing that comes to mind when thinking about creating a feeling of hominess. But expressing ourselves in an activity implies that we feel authentic and align our behavior with our motives, which is by the way also crucial to find Flow. We can fully immerse ourselves in what we are doing, let go of worries or self-conscious thoughts and unlock our potential in an activity that we mainly do out of passion. "Playing the guitar, for example, has always been something where I can, in a way, express myself", Jonas says. "It’s what has already helped me as a child to access and actually feel my emotions".
4. Which routines (can I implement) that I can look forward to?
The feeling of being at home is often associated with stability, comfort and familiarity. Are there routines you grew up with in your family - like a glass of juice for breakfast, picking strawberries together in summer or traditions you had for certain holidays? If you have positive associations with these routines, this may be something to take over to your current life. Otherwise, this may also be the chance to create new routines to associate positive emotions with.
So ask yourself: Which routines can you implement that give you comfort, that provide you a sense of stability, something to look forward to? Having your morning coffee and reading the newspaper on the couch in the morning? A yearly Christmas party with friends? Or your Monday morning sports group where you and your peers push through together no matter the weather?
5. How is the relationship to myself?
The foundation of feeling comfortable with others or in other places is to feel comfortable with yourself. How would you rate your relationship with yourself? How do you treat yourself? When you need a break, a new challenge, a closer look at your limiting beliefs or encouraging, compassionate words - do you make sure you get these things? How do you talk to yourself? Do you feel that you’re living according to your values or do you sometimes put them last, perhaps to meet others’ expectations or to escape the fear of rejection? These questions can be uncomfortable to ask, but also very helpful in changing how you feel no matter where or in whose company you are.
For more insights, check out our YouTube video here.
What helps you to feel at home somewhere?
Disclaimer: Please note that this is a very individual and sensitive topic. We’re aware that we’re highly privileged to be able to even ask ourselves this question and that this perspective doesn’t capture, for example, the reality of people with discrimination experiences. So while Jonas is sharing his own experiences here, we’re also interested in getting to know more about what helps you to feel at home.?