How I explain the EU my kids
Once upon a time, there was a big war in Europe. Although some say that four countries won, in reality, only two countries won. After the war, the US and die USSR fought for world dominion. The USA won this conflict after 45 years.
But while these superpowers had been fighting, the European countries decided that they never wanted to have a war again and founded a community that would later be known as the European Union.
But let's go back to the 60ties and let's go to the Western European countries. Some countries were quite unhappy. They were no superpowers anymore. Others wanted to show that they were not the monsters as others saw them.
But in all this, an elite grows again. Some had already been rich before; others became rich after the war. So while the US and USSR fought, the elite did their business. And they got their offspring, destined to become Europe's pestilence.
The 60ties and the 70ties were the age when people thought everything would become better. The economy was growing, and people had ideas. Of course, the offspring of this elite decide not to become mechanics. Being a blue-collar worker was not their destiny, they thought. Even becoming engineers or technicians with an academic degree was not their destiny. They decided to become politicians.
To do that, they studied law or economics. Many of them felt they were destined to lead. They never had a job in the private sector. They shared their time with others of their caste. And this caste could be, of course, multinational. It did not matter so much from which country they came; the money they inherited defined their status—a modern aristocracy.
Now, European politics steered towards a union. But who should lead this union? Should it be people who focus their life on personal growth and accept all the challenges? Should it be those who met all kinds of people - poor and rich, educated and non-educated?
No, the leaders today are precisely those who were born in the sixties and decided for themselves that they should lead, and unfortunately, nobody stopped them. While the world is changing around us, they manage Europe to death. They make deals with corrupt dictators. But in the end, it is all clear... they have no clue on how to lead Europe. All they learned is to build up a reality distortion field around them so they would not realize how incompetent they are.
I created, therefore, a petition to remove one of the bigots of the EU, and I am glad for every signature: