How I Engage Passive Candidates and Build Relationships to Create an Excellent Candidate Experience

How I Engage Passive Candidates and Build Relationships to Create an Excellent Candidate Experience

In the recruiting world, there are a few topics that elude even the most seasoned professionals. First of all, who are these “passive candidates” everyone is talking about? Where do we find them? How can we possibly gauge someone’s interest if they are currently in another position??

While these are all incredibly valid questions that urge the process forward, something left out of these common FAQs is: okay, you got your highly desired passive candidates… Now what??

Once the research is complete and you’ve compiled your targeted passive talent list, you need to get their attention and sway them to uproot their career and join your team. This is easier said than done. Scratch that; it’s not even that easy to say.

The most ideal passive candidates seem almost unattainable and settled in their current position. So it takes a strong pitch and serious convincing to get talent interested enough to make a change. The odds are — how they say — not in your favor. Currently, 37.3% of the workforce is passively open to new opportunities. But that’s not to say they’re ready for any opportunity that comes their way.

Try out these tactics to grab the attention of your list of passive talent and start building longterm relationships.

Utilize Social Media Platforms

LinkedIn is often the go-to tool for recruiters. It’s probably the easiest way to contact desirable candidates without seeming too forward. Plus, your connections can build a candidate pipeline of sorts. Whether you’re building a network for a specific open role or just for future openings, LinkedIn is the usual way recruiters connect with passive candidates.

But, be sure not to fall into the trap of LinkedIn being the end-all-be-all of social media tools. While, professionally, LinkedIn is an amazing and sophisticated platform, passive candidates can be found on all platforms. Keeping an up-to-date social media presence on channels like Twitter, Facebook, and even Instagram can help elevate your company’s presence online and give visibility to your mission and culture.?

The truth is, the most desirable talent likely receives their fair share of InMail on LinkedIn. To really stand out to passive talent, casually reach out on other forms of social media. A quick DM on Twitter can let them know about the open position without coming on too strong. Keep it casual to match the Twitter format and let them know what caught your attention and why you’re reaching out.

Ask Conversation-Building Questions

Don’t come on too strong and scare your passive candidates with your first engagement. While having a list of qualified passive candidates is exciting, you don’t want to tell them too much too soon. Just like a first date — ask questions about them! Asking questions, even rhetorical ones, is an easy way to build rapport and build a connection before making your pitch.

Direct the conversation to open-ended questions like:

·??????What would you change about your current position?

·??????If you could work fewer hours in a day, what would you do with your free time?

·??????What opportunities for growth do you have in your current role?

The, so the conversation doesn’t dwindle, ask questions with two options for next steps:

·??????Would you be free for a call tonight at 5:30 pm or would tomorrow morning at 10am be better?

·??????What is your preferred environment for a meeting? Zoom over lunch or a coffee shop in the evening?

Keep It Simple, Sourcer

You’re already fighting an uphill battle to get in front of passive candidates’ eyes, don’t overcomplicate the process with superfluous details. Speak simply and casually, so your message (through social media, email, or otherwise) will be easier to process and easier to persuade them to agree with you.

Attention spans are low, especially for highly desirable passive candidates. If they’re satisfied in their current roles, an email about a new position likely won’t stand out. If they peruse their emails to find an overbearing pitch the length of a novel, they likely won’t bother to read it. One study found that the sweet spot for email length is between 50-125 words, all of which yielded response rates of 50% and above.

Personalize Your Approach

In your pitch, be sure to use candidate-centric and personalized language like “You,” “Your,” and “Yours,” and close with a specific call-to-action, i.e., asking for a time to chat. Mass mailing your passive candidate list with the same generic message while just changing the first name won’t do you any favors.

Tactics that work for active candidates simply don’t yield the same results for passive candidates. You need to carefully craft messages that can be personalized from candidate to candidate and strike the passive candidate as genuine, authentic, and full of possibility.?

If you want to really capture their attention, you will have to prove you’ve done your research and genuinely think that they would be suitable for the role. By mentioning something specific that you have read on their profile or referring to a mutual connection, you will have a much better chance of gaining their attention and trust.

Find The Talent

Lamenting over how you’ll appeal to qualified passive talent is a good problem to have. Many recruiters struggle with finding the talent they need before they even consider how they will approach them. Leveraging the right tech and expertise can give you a leg up in this process. Reach out! We can help you get started with some excellent candidate research and sourcing! With our on-demand/by the hour services, we're here to help!


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