How I don't miss a spot with my self-developed application
Piethein Strengholt
Author Data Management at Scale & Building Medallion Architectures (O’Reilly)
Technology is my passion and I don't want to miss a spot. Most people wonder where I get all the knowledge from. Here's is my secret. To follow the latest developments I use RSS feeds. RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication and most websites allow you to gather the headlines from the website, without visiting the page. So whenever I have some spare time left, I look at all my favourite articles and start reading the content I'm interested in. A couple of years ago I used Google Reader to manage my feeds and to give me an overview of all the latest developments. Google Reader stopped to offer this free service a couple of years ago, so after trying several alternatives, I started to write my own application. Since I'm a huge fan of open source I want to use this as an opportunity to share my creation. Here is how it currently looks like:
The application is hosted on GitHub and has almost 200 stars. The design is responsive, which means it will auto scale depending on the device you use. It has several features, such as swiping to mark the articles as read, tagging and categorising.
The front-end has been written in VueJS, which is very popular JavaScript framework. For the back-end I use Laravel Lumen, which is a very lightweight framework to serve out the data using API's. The application also has an API, which is compatible with the Fever API. Instead of using the application front-end you can also use an iOS native app, like Reeder. If you're fan of RSS feeds I highly encourage you to have a look. Here's the link: