How I Decided to Go to The Chanukah Board Meeting with THE MENSCH* ON A BENCH

How I Decided to Go to The Chanukah Board Meeting with THE MENSCH* ON A BENCH

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Last week my phone rang showing a number I did not recognize. I answered it anyway because you know, sometimes you just do. The conversation went something like this:


A Voice said:?Hello! A couple of years ago you helped my friend?The Elf on the Shelf?spread his message?on social media, so I’m calling hoping you can give ME a little help.?

Me:?Uh, who is this?

Voice:??I’m Moshe,?THE MENSCH ON A BENCH.?Like Elf, I try to remind Jewish people?- actually all people - to be?thoughtful, kind, and considerate.

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The Mensch:?I’m hoping you will come with me to this year’s Chanukah Board Meeting!?In case you don’t know, it’s when THE JEWISH BIG FOUR meet to find ways to make sure Chanukah will be meaningful, joyous, and fun. They are always trying hard to be heard above the jingle bells and songs about Rudolph!

(I was intrigued – How does he know Elf? Who are the BIG FOUR? And back then did I actually agree to help spread the word?)

Me:?Go on.

Mr. M:?This is my first year, and I have a really good suggestion. Come with me and you can put it in your blog?about?the importance of being a Mensch!?

And that’s how I ended up at THE CHANUKAH BOARD MEETING.?

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Here’s what happened:

When we walked in, I could hardly believe it - In attendance was the entire Chanukah gang – Sharon/David/Hannah/and Leo.?I sat quietly and waited.

The meeting was called to order by the Chairwoman,?Sharon.

She said a quick hello and reminded everyone this was to be a short meeting, so?no refreshments. Then, she asked each board member to introduce themselves. She started:

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I’m?Sharon Shamis, the lead candle, The Head of the Festival of Light

She looked to her left and nodded to the blue guy:

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Hello - I’m?David Dreidel, the playful one,?he said.

He was twisting and turning and suddenly, he dropped. Then he looked up and smiled.?Ha!?he laughed;?I just landed on GIMMEL!??

Sharon nodded to the next member:

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How do you do ... board members and guests, because I have nine branches for the Chanukah candles, my real name is Hannah Hanukieh. Then she smiled shyly, and added, but I also answer to the name ‘Menorah!

Then Sharon motioned to the last one …,

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Hi! I’m?Leo Latke -?Sometimes known as?“Leo ‘the grate’!” Get it? – Grate - as in potato!?Everybody likes me - whether with apple sauce or sour cream!?And no worries, I’ll bring the refreshments next time!

Sharon opened the meeting by reviewing the last year’s discussion regarding the proper spelling of the word ‘Chanukah’- whether with a C or an H and if there are double k’s. She announced it was decided that?it makes?no difference how?you spell the name of the holiday as long as it brings people together to celebrate!?

Then she continued: “Today’s topic, presented by The Mensch on a Bench,” is??

“Why should Jewish kids get a present?every?night of Chanukah?”?

And so, Moshe began:

Thank you for this opportunity. We all know non-Jewish kids get lots of gifts this time of year. So, it’s only natural that Jewish families are thinking:?‘Let’s keep our kids happy – we’ve got eight nights, give them?eight?gifts!’??

Even though the group looked at him suspiciously, he continued:

I think that Hanukah presents should be a?HOLIDAY REWARD?FOR GOOD BEHAVIOR,?and I’ll tell you why. Lately, instead of sitting in houses, this Mensch on a Bench ventured out. That’s how I’ve realized?people just aren’t behaving.

  • I sat on a BENCH in the park.?There big kids were pushing little ones out of their way on the slide. The adults just stood around talking.
  • On the BENCH at the bus stop, parents who came to pick up their kids shouted at the bus driver because he didn’t always stop close enough to the curb.
  • And from the BENCH at the baseball game…? Oy! Parents and coaches kept yelling at each other. The kids started yelling, too

He paused and smiled at me:?

So, here’s what I propose:?

EVERY night, after the Hanukah candles are lit, parents say:

Now that the candles are shining bright, let’s each have a turn telling of a time when he or she was?considerate?and did something nice for others.’

“ACT LIKE A MENSCH – you get a gift!”

Then he sat down.

At first everyone was quiet. Then David Driedel started spinning.?That was amazing,?he said.?I completely agree with The Mensch.?Even Hannah was impressed.?So sensible!?she said.?Thank YOU, Moshe

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A vote was called. All agreed to include the suggestion on the?candle boxes?next year!?Sharon Shamis banged the gavel to end the gathering.

I was glad I had come. It was an honor to meet the BIG FOUR, and so I’m happily spreading Moshe’s message:?

BE A MENSCH – teach it, live it, insist on it – especially at Chanukah

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I do have to admit one thing, though…?I was a little disappointed Leo didn’t get to serve latkes –?Apple Sauce, please.?



*Mensch: (Yiddish)?a person of integrity and dignity, with a sense of what is right and responsible.


Loretta Saff, C.P.C., C.R.C.的更多文章

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