HOW I CRAFT IRRESISTIBLE RESEARCH FUNDING PROPOSALS? The 'secret sauce' that you should be taught by your supervisor

HOW I CRAFT IRRESISTIBLE RESEARCH FUNDING PROPOSALS? The 'secret sauce' that you should be taught by your supervisor

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Now, back to the main content of today - crafting irresistible funding proposals!


In the world of research funding, the stakes have never been higher. Brilliant minds across disciplines are vying for a finite pool of grant funding from governments, institutions, and philanthropies.

An outstanding proposal can be the difference between your pioneering work receiving the green light or stalling out due to a lack of funds.?

While there's no single formula, there are definitive elements that elevate a proposal from just another ask to an irresistible investment opportunity. With insight from over a decade of experience writing research proposals, I want to share with you the quintessential ingredients for crafting proposals that the funding committees can't resist backing.

Compelling Research Question & Problem Statement

Like any great novel, irresistible proposals grab readers from the first pages with a tantalising hook. In this case, it's not just an interesting setup, but a clear, jargon-free articulation of the specific gap or problem your work aims to address. Funders need to instantly understand why this question or issue is critically important and what's at stake if it goes unanswered.

Vivid examples and hard-hitting data can immediately illustrate the significance and potential impacts.

For instance, if you're a medical researcher, you could open with statistics on mortality rates for a particular disease and the ensuing costs to healthcare systems and peripheral impacts. Alternatively, if you're a social scientist, you may set the scene by transporting reviewers into the challenges faced by an underserved community lacking access to vital services.

The key is precise yet impassioned framing of the problem that leaves funding committees thinking, "We absolutely must do something about this issue!" With their rapt attention from the onset, you've earned the opportunity to then detail how your innovative research will confront the problem head-on in ways no one else can.

Innovative and Rigorous Methodology

With the burning justification firmly planted, your proposal's next critical mission is to prove that your study design and methods are the most promising approach to tackle the research question. This section should articulate your methodological vision with utmost clarity and rigour.

Fundamentally, I'd like you to lay out the specific steps, techniques, and instruments that will be used to gather and analyse data. Whether quantitative, qualitative, or a blended approach, funders must be able to visualise execution across each phase unfolding thoughtfully and scientifically. Be sure to substantiate why the chosen framework is optimally suited to derive meaningful, valid insights.

Where you'll truly differentiate from others is by expounding on the unique advantages and innovation embodied in your methodology. Perhaps you're pioneering novel technologies, novel applications of existing tools, or integrating cross-disciplinary methods, forging new frontiers. Illuminate specifically how your cutting-edge approach stands to surmount the limitations of prior research efforts.

Ultimately, this section should instil confidence in the reviewers that your team can extract maximal knowledge value through an inventive yet meticulously designed action plan.?

Notably, detailing the "special sauce" in your methods will allow you to position yourself as the absolute best investment to push boundaries.

Finally, please don't overlook the capabilities and stellar credentials of your assembled research team. Funders want assurances that this isn't your first rodeo and that you possess the proven expertise to execute the vision you've mapped out.

Deliberate Project Planning and Timeline

While your innovative methodological vision may dazzle, funders also need ironclad validation that it can realistically be operationalised within a well-structured implementation roadmap.?

This section focuses on the vital, intricate logistics of executing the research plan.

First and foremost, provide a detailed task schedule and timeline mapping out the specific milestones, activities, and deliverables to be achieved across each phase of work. Clearly define roles and delineate what portions of the research each team member owns. Reviewers should be able to easily visualise the critical path and dependencies between workstreams.

Furthermore, anticipate potential potential snags or delays, then outline corresponding mitigation strategies to remain on track. Whether contingencies around data access, subject recruitment, partnerships, etc., funders want the transparency that you've thought through the full range of scenarios and pitfalls. The most robust proposals won't just identify risks but provide evidence of proactive measures already in place to navigate around them.

Don't stop there - strengthen reviewers' confidence by showcasing your mastery over factors like facility and resource requirements, travel logistics, administrative and ethical approvals, dissemination avenues for eventual findings, and any other contextual considerations unique to your discipline or methodologies. The more comprehensively you account for these "smaller details", the more your well-rounded foresight as an effective project manager shines through.

Ultimately, this section transforms your conceptual blueprint into a tangible, clearly-sequenced, and de-risked implementation roadmap that funders can confidently buy into.

Thoughtful Budget Justifications

The million dollar question (literally, for some major grants): how much will this endeavour cost to be executed with full fidelity?

An overly bloated or leanly underestimated budget proposal can immediately undermine an otherwise strong submission.

The first core principle is ensuring every single line item ties defensibly back to specific research activities and project needs. Don't include any extras funders could perceive as superfluous costs that are better value-engineered out. Organise expenses logically into categories like personnel, equipment, materials/supplies, travel, etc, as per the funders requirements.

Also, avoid underfunding anything core to achieving the scientific aims to the highest level of quality and validity possible. Cutting corners in service of an artificially low budget could equally scare off funders. Strike a balanced budget that reflects both fiscal responsibility and an honest accounting of the indispensable investments needed.

For every line item, provide detailed, unambiguous justifications for why these expenditures represent critical "need-to-haves" rather than just "nice-to-haves." If necessary, show your work on how cost calculations and estimations were derived using well-accepted standards. Reviewers appreciate proposals that exude meticulous budgeting diligence.

When funders complete this section, they should not only understand the total price tag, but more importantly have full confidence that the requested budget accurately reflects the operational realities of delivering an exceptional product. This fiscal transparency further de-risks their potential investment.

Strategic Positioning and Alignment

Even for intrinsically fascinating research ideas backed by robust plans, funding prospects can quickly diminish if not strategically aligned with funder priorities and values. This section ensures your proposal resonates precisely with what the decision-makers care about most.

First and foremost, situate your proposed work within the broader goals, mission, and current initiatives of the sponsor organisation or agency. Whether national research priorities, institutional research thrusts, calls for interdisciplinary collaboration, or societal challenges addressed - map how your study directly serves to advance these overarching agendas. Use their language and highlight synergies.

Funders also appreciate work that builds upon prior investments, findings, and subject matter experts they've supported. Don't reinvent wheels - identify relevant past projects that yours will extend or complement, including opportunities for intellectual cross-pollination and shared resources and capabilities.

Beyond just relevance, build a case for your team being optimally positioned to move the needle more than any other group could. Showcase your competitive advantage through access to key data sources, unique facilities, multidisciplinary talents, embedded stakeholder relationships, and other distinguishing assets.

Finally, explain how your outputs will support societal needs, translational potential, and economic and societal impacts that exemplify the project's significance. Never force fit these angles - they should authentically radiate from your work's ability to provide real-world value and solutions.

With cohesive positioning aligned to funder ideals, your proposal transcends being "just another submission" into a strategic investment opportunity primed to deliver unparalleled returns across their priorities.


In this hyper-competitive arena where innovative ideas vastly outnumber funding sources, crafting an irresistible proposal has never been more crucial. If you incorporate the key elements we've explored - a compelling problem statement, innovative methodology, detailed implementation roadmap, meticulous budgeting, and funder-aligned positioning - your submission will have a higher chance of rising to the top against even the most formidable competition.

The true secret sauce lies in your ability to craft a cohesive, multi-faceted narrative that not only illuminates your scientific vision, but convincingly overcomes every potential objection or doubt in the minds of reviewers.

An irresistible proposal both enlightens and inspires through its comprehensiveness, ingenuity, and intentionality woven throughout every section.

While funding sources hold immense responsibility in identifying and backing revolutionary research, the onus rests with you, the proposal author, to make the unequivocal case for why their ideas cannot be allowed to stall due to lack of funding.?

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About the author

Dawid Hanak is a Professor of Decarbonisation of Industrial Clusters at the Net Zero Industry Innovation Centre , Teesside University. He brings the world-leading expertise in process design, techno-economic, and life-cycle assessment to drive innovation in industrial decarbonisation. He led the successful delivery of research and commercial projects in industrial decarbonisation, attracting over £4m of external funding. As a trusted advisor to businesses, think tanks, and public bodies, Dawid is passionate about sharing his knowledge and empowering others.

He also founded Motivated Academic, a platform where researchers, engineers, and consultants can access resources and training to advance their research and business skills.

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