How I close loans in languages I don't speak
Stephanie Cigainero - The Black Swan
Senior Loan officer at AllWestern HomeLoans
A few tips and tricks using technology
We live in The United States of America. It's been called a melting pot. Whether or not a person likes to share his or her country, a LEGAL resident can still obtain a mortgage, even if they have a visa.
There are thousands of eager homeowners out there who feel overwhelmed by the English language. I know from personal experience how learning a completely different language late in life can be a serious challenge. I personally took 5 years of Spanish in high school and college and living in Texas, this is quite normal. HOWEVER, I didn't have anyone fluent in the language to interact with daily so it was all but lost. I still have foundational roots and when in Mexico I can get around pretty well, but when trying to write a mortgage and explain all of the insane intricacies of the process, documents needed and why... I use two special tools;
GOOGLE TRANSLATE and a TRUSTED FRIEND of the potential homeowner, who I have lovingly called their "homeowner wingman" (or woman...).
First, make sure that you get written permission in the form of an email to disclose sensitive and/or detailed financial and personal information with the homeowner wingman that your potential borrowers have selected.
This is critical, because the standardized, required forms for disclosure in mortgage are all in English and contain highly sensitive data. This person does not have to be a literary genius but they do need to have a decent understanding of the English language and effective communication. Usually this is not a problem because folks who come here to Texas usually have this person as an asset.
Second, ask the customer to communicate via email as much ass possible. I use a Word document and write out detail above and beyond what I would normally be disclosed because there are elements of our culture in which are common knowledge that this person may not have. I make it very simple yet communicate every step, every detail and why it is needed. I make sure to let this buyer know that their response time is critical and they must be ready to send me what I need, exactly as I request it, as soon as possible. Then I simply copy and paste the words from the document into GOOGLE translate after selecting the language of preference for the customer. ***MAKE sure you clarify the language preference with the customer because some languages have regional dialect differences or may not be available on Google translate.
Finally, make SURE the homeowner wingman is PRESENT AT CLOSING. They will be communicating between the closer at the title company and the buyer. BE SURE TO communicate with the title company and closer that this person will be bringing their wingman to closing because of a language gap.
This is just one creative way to close a loan in a language you don't speak but I am sure there are many more opportunities to make every person who has come to live The American Dream a homeowner- so please SHARE IN THE COMMENTS BELOW how you have achieved this goal.
Please make sure you visit and send your clients to me BEFORE they go shopping so that I can make sure they have the BEST mortgage loans possible! Blessings to all.