How I Can Run My Business Without Me

How I Can Run My Business Without Me

One of the biggest challenge most small business owners have is that they want to run their business without being physically present at the business but for some reason they couldn’t. now there are many obstacles that they are unable to run their business without them, but for now I want to communicate with you that if you are small business owner and you if you fail to run your business without you being physical present at your business then you have to face many consequences in terms of financial loss, loss in business growth and most importantly you have to sacrifice your personal and family life just for this business that you have.

If you keep stuck at your business by being physically present to run your business then you won’t be able to spend much quality time with your family and loved ones, you will have very little social life, you have to sacrifice the things you have on your bucket list that you want to do one day, you have to sacrifice your hobbies just to run this business.

Now I am not here to tell you how to run your business or how you should run it after all it’s your business, but if you to manage to run your business without you being physically present at your business, then you will open the doors to gain enormous amount of wealth, you will be able to grow your business at much rapid speed which in result bring you high revenue and give your more peace of mind.

And most importantly you will more time to spend with your family and you will be able to have quality social life. and interestingly when you have more fee time then you will able to easily begin to focus on your bucket list and those things that always wanted to do, and live a quality life.

Now, running you business without you being physically present isn’t easy, if it had been easy then you wouldn’t be reading this.

Why Most Of The Business Fail To Grow?

So why most of the business fail to grow? studies have found that the number one reason is because the business owner is so stuck in the business physically that he or she couldn’t think outside his box, by box I mean they couldn’t really think anything else other than being physically present there and run the business.

And there are 2 main reason that they are stuck in this pattern

Number 1-?is that they are control freak, now being control isn’t bad itself as long you use it for your favour but when you become prison of your own thoughts that’s not the right think, neither for your business nor for your personal life, and to get rid of those limiting patterns you need help from NLP coach who can really understand your world and be able to help you unleash your personal power, and that’s what I do as a profession.

And the number 2 – is lack of?leadership skills, now leadership doesn’t mean that you jump on a stage and start speaking and your audience give you round of applause and they begin to follow you. That may be a part of leadership but when it comes to running your business without you being physically present at your business this needs a very special sub skill of leadership which is delegation.

How To Decide On Delegation?

Now, how would one business owner can delegate his business to other people, can you delegate to anyone? or do you need to find out right candidate? And most importantly how would you evaluate if you need to delegate or not?

So simply to realize how you can run your business without you, let me help you realize by this example.

So let’s say that you have your favourite horse that you ride on for fun on day to day basis, now why do you want to hire some one to ride your horse? Obviously, there is no point to hire someone and ride your favourite horse, right? because it’s for yourself only and if someone else ride it then you won’t have fun anymore, right?

Now, on the other hand, let’s say that you have your 1 favourite horse but instead of riding it for fun, you run that horse in the horse race to win rewards both financially and otherwise. Now do you think that it is wise to hire some jockey to ride your horse in the race, and let yourself focus on getting financial rewards and growing your horse business so that you can have more financial rewards? Obviously, this is the right decision to hire a jockey to ride this 1 horse so that you can focus on growing your horse business and get more financial rewards with less physical effort.

Now, when you hire that jockey what kind of skills you would want that jockey to have? What abilities do you want him to have? And most importantly how do want him to treat your horse, and look after your horse? And how do you want him to be towards you?

So, these are deep questions to think of when you would hire a jockey for your horse. And it is well invested time to think deep especially when you are hiring someone for long term.

Similarly, lot of business owners run their business on day-to-day business and because they run it on day-to-day basis, they have to be present at their business to run it, simply because they have no future concrete plan to grow their business and have no right delegation skills.

On the other hand, if you begin to treat your business like a important horse which run in the race course and wind the race for you. Then you will be able to run your business without you being physically present there.

Now, that doesn’t mean that you would be able to do that overnight, you would still have to master the leadership skills, especially the delegation skills. And go from control freak to leverage the power of other skilled people around you. and that all requires your attention and time.

And you can use?our services?to ensure that you get it all done right in least amount of time.

Exercise To Enhance Your Learning

And for now, let me invite you to utilize these learnings by doing small exercise.

So first ask your self – am I running my business my on day-to-day basis without any concreate plan to grow my business?

And then ask yourself – do I want to treat my business as race horse, so that I can enjoy more financial rewards?

And finally ask yourself – how I can hire someone to treat my business as I do, so that I can focus on growing my business?

and then take action, if you fail to take action nothing will happen,

but If you do take action, you will begin set your business voyage in the right direction.

I would like to hear from you how this article has helped and what did you find most valuable from it.

Kind Regards

Gurnam Sangha


Gurnam Sangha, Hospitality Performance Trainer的更多文章

