How I Build My Network Without Money When I Don't Know Anyone.
Today one of my Instagram follower (Kashyap Parmar)asked me " what to do about this poor network, how to have a good network" before we start, we should understand that poor network=no network because poor network means you have the contacts with those people who are not able to fulfill your expectations or a group of people who are not able to give you response the way you need.
if you have a poor network it's better to leave silently those connections who are not interested to be the part of your concern.
when I say silently, I mean don't keep any expectations form those bunch of people which you called "poor network" because once the time will change you'll be able to use those connection too.
The famous saying is "behind every successful man there is a woman" but now in today's world if we say "there is a good network" it would not be wrong. everyone is not lucky enough to have that one woman in their life but the good news is anybody can have a strong network by investing their time and consistent effort.
without taking more time if you execute all the below points you'll able to have a connection with those people which you can call "good network" ??
(1) Why:- Before to search ??or ask how to have a"good network" always ask yourself why you want it, Your choice is everything that's the reason make yourself clear why do you want to have a "good network" because your choice is the mirror of your intention that in what way you want to utilize your connection. So once you know why do you want it, in other words, you also get to know the importance of it which will lead you to take necessary steps to strengthen the connection with potential people.
(2) Social Media:- it's not an easy task to build connections on social media but it's definitely worth it to work on it
(a) Facebook:- i am sure if you reading this you would have your facebook profile if you don't have it then go create it and join groups, like and follow the pages as per your choice. Always be the active member and add value there as per the groups and pages nature minimum thrice in a day and it isn't hard to do this because all the things are happening as per your own interests but never do any random post against the nature of groups & pages. Always have a look at people conversation to answer their questions with valuable context because admins of the groups & pages are not able to answer all that's why you should grab this opportunity and should create your own group too,
(b) Linkedin:- Linkedin is my favorite platform because through this platform we directly can reach to the people as per our own interests and as compared to all social media platforms people are not doing unnecessary activities here and they do respect of each other skills but if you don't have a professional profile as per your profession people will not take you seriously. At LinkedIn, if you publish articles on regular intervals automatically you will get people's attention and they will love to join your connection too if you don't have that much of time or you don't want to then you can do post too because linked allowed more than a thousand words with relevant hashtags for a normal post or you can post short video with valuable information and don't forget to add call of action like share your own thoughts about this information below in comment section e.t.c, do reply to all if they ask something.
(c) Quora:- make your profile on quora as per your interest and choose specific keywords to add which must be as per your own professional and personal knowledge because as you know it's a Q&A platform.
Why you should be at Quora if you are thinking this then you should know this podium has strong organic reach in all over the world if you have key knowledge about anything you will be able to transfer some traffic to your desirable platform to build a connection.
Be Consistent at all platforms, without Consistency you will not able to get any response.
TO get complete information must listen to THIS PODCAST EPISODE BY BELOW LINKS ?? ??
Android users
Apple's Users ??
After read & listen to this podcast episode if you execute all points you will have a good and strong network.
Last, not the least be updated and keep flirting your connection.
I hope you will find some value out of it if you do let me know in the comment section.
I am totally grateful that you read and listen to all the information till the end.
Thank you for your time.
Don't just keep this information in your mind only keep executing and share with your friends and family.
Have a happy Network. God Luck