How I brand ‘Start-ups’ and Refresh ‘Grow-ups’
Brand Storytelling for Business Success | Want to be the thought leader and go-to brand in your industry?
By Arthur Germain, Principal & Chief Brandteller, Brandtelling
Do you know someone launching a start-up or pivoting grow-up? I help professional services firms in “start-up” or “grow-up” mode establish, strengthen and promote their brands. There is a process that I follow - part science, part art, part storytelling. Give me five minutes to tell you how and message me if you know anyone that could use my help.
Branding Start-Ups
You know what I mean when I say "start-up," right? One day, a couple of smart co-workers look at one another and say, "Hey, we could do this much better / smarter / faster / ethically..." and then they leave their employer, pool their 401k money, convince family and friends to invest in their dream - and *POOF* - they launch a brand-new company.
The problem is, they know what they want to do, but not always how to make it sound different than what they were doing before. Worse, sometimes they continue to use "modified collateral" from their old firm – you know, PowerPoint decks with changed out logos, but lots of the same ideas and words.
Hint: Right-click on one of those presentations, select Properties and check the Details tab for document provenance. If you see old company and co-workers’ names, you’re going to learn what lawyers do.
For start-ups, I create brand stories that connect their value, so customers understand why they’re the right choice, how they’re different and what they deliver.
Branding Grow-Ups
A “grow-up” is a great term that I stole attribute to my friend, CEO Whisperer Jeff Stern. A grow up is a company that has outgrown its old roots – through a growth spurt, acquisition or expanding beyond its old geography. Some “grow-ups” are second or third generation family firms that are operating completely differently. Some “grow-ups” have introduced new services or products and they have radically shifted their target audience.
The problem is their old story doesn’t fit any longer. They’re not the X for your Y, now they’re the ABC for your XYZ – and they’re having trouble agreeing on any of those stories.
For grow-ups, I refresh and reimagine their brand stories in new and innovative ways that help them re-establish their value with existing customers and build relationships with new audiences.
Here’s a secret – for both start-ups and grow-ups my process is the same: I begin with an Open Book Session to get clear about their brand value and design a storytelling roadmap, detailing what they need to accomplish to build a brand story that serves their customers.
A powerful and differentiated brand story marks the difference between success and failure for a branding, marketing collateral and services launch - whether it's a start-up or a grow-up.?I can help focus your story - including your customer values and benefits, and what makes you stand out from everyone else.?Then you're ready to roll!
Want to learn more about my process? Download a free copy of my guide for building better stories for high-growth firms.