How I became a man
So you want to be an entrepreneur and start a company but you’re just an employee with an idea. How are you going to create a strong company which is both capable of satisfying its employees and that also has high growth rate of sales and high value? One that you believe embraces a (your) bright vision that will reward your whole team well into the future for their work and dedication. Your ability to broadcast the right message and build belief in your strategy will be the key to your success. How do you do that?
We (people, humanity, us) would like to believe that we’re working to create greater value for both ourselves and the environment in which we live, some people more passively and collegiate, some more aggressively and selfishly. The “believe” part is what needs to be created, harnessed, and channeled into the better, future place that we want to live in. We need to create “belief” in a rewarding path that will satisfy us for the foreseeable future. Belief gives us the ability to invest in the present to harvest in the future. Look to religion if you question the ability of belief and faith to drive work today for salvation tomorrow.
A strong belief in wealth creation through character development is the model I’d like to propose. It’s the investment in a team oriented character development program that creates belief strong enough to carry a team to success. Without that belief structure pulling the whole team forward you will spend too much time creating it, one on one, with every employee. With it you can manage a large group of people while knowing the underlying message is strong, vibrant and self-promoting.
Alternative beliefs (pun intended) arise when followers of an individual believe in a supernatural false narrative, based on the belief in a fiction, that gives rise to the litmus test of belief. Think of religions and god, or the elections claims of President Trump in order to create a tribe of “believers”. There’s no better test of a believer than belief in the impossible as promulgated by the religion’s “divine teaching” (Scientology and Ron L. Hubbard come to mind).
To create my belief, which is a scientific and evidence based belief system requiring only belief in humanity, ?we need to harness the best common characteristics of what we call wealth and relentlessly promote them as characteristics we both want and promote within the team. Belief in success through strong character development becomes a cultural attitude which looks similar to professional sports teams approach to winning. It’s not only performance on the field as much as a mindset of beliefs around which you live, work and train to win. Accelerated Maturity is the ability to learn life skills faster than your peers. It allows you to overtake their path with a more righteous one.
While wealth is typically transliterated into money it is so much more than that. Wealth incorporates community standing and support, job titles, income, confidence, pride, a desire for loyalty and many of the things that bring long term happiness to the typical person. Wealth comes from winning. These are the elements of desire that can be used to create a tribal spirit that a team uses to defend its belief structure.
So how do you feel about yourself and where you fit in the world? Are you proud of your standing in the community and do you feel on top of it or subverted by it? Do you feel wealthy with relationships, moral support, a work environment that you enjoy engaging with in the morning, a mission that’s yours to achieve. Or do you fight for every inch, a lone warrior in a sea of idiots? How strongly do you want to defend what you’ve created from competition and encroachment by others? We need to create an endorphin induced emotional response so that our employee defend and promote the tribe with a visceral strength.
Are you a member of a group or tribe that only promotes practices that are non discriminatory, earn money honestly, practice compassion, respect, and honesty? You are lucky if you do because lazy people use discriminatory practices focused on highlighting “others” as threats to you. I can tell you the threats in that theater of life are its inhabitants.
Do you want to make a difference to the lives of others; you will have to both want to and succeed. As one person you can’t do very much (at least at a ratio of one to about seven billion people in the world), but with others you can achieve a lot; think of religions, political parties, landing on the moon. Nelson Mandela, Gandhi, Hitler and many others used the common desire of others to achieve their own goals to inspire belief, good and bad. They all believed they were on a critical mission just as you need to. You’re responsible for your employee’s wealth which is a big responsibility. Embracing that will be necessary because no company gets big without a lot of employees.
Are you comfortable engaging others to be part of your work and if not, then how would you have to feel about your work for that to be true? To make a difference you need an army of people moving towards your vision and that vision has to encompass many people. Capitalism provides individuals with the tools necessary to manifest these ideas but only if you can persuade others to join your journey.
Wealth creation still requires a lot of work. Work is more easily accomplished when we have a strong belief in why we are working. As noted, organized religions promote the belief in the intangible also, just things that can’t be true. Strong work ethics and belief in the positive outcome of work come from good character development at earlier stages in life. Character development breeds wealth through this positive feedback loop. By openly embracing, and endorsing character as a requirement for employment we breed and support a culture that’s aligned with wealth creation. Don’t hire people who don’t have good character!
To create a team you must have Trust, Honesty, Respect, and Investment.
Growth provides opportunities for personal development and in (my industry of commercial software) companies we have unlimited opportunities for growth because software is still in high demand at all levels. Growth in itself, like inflation, allows us to eradicate the sins of the past and to offer more opportunity into the future. A lot of billing hides a lot of sins. If we build an annuity and invest in its growth it can pay us for a long time; of course the next generation will also need their own annuity which commences for them every day a new employee starts.
Growth improves employees equity values, their network of colleagues, their skills learned, their adoption of best practices, accelerated income, or as we need to think of it, wealth. So we plot our growth in order to foster the principals we need to attract the people we want in a feedback loop.
I always use the annual double up of revenue as the de-facto achievable goal. If we define ourselves by believing we can double our new sales target every year our goals will be more than met. The discipline to achieve that growth requires a strong focus and dedication to the art of sales and corporate development, foresight, engineering and marketing. The basic message though is double your sales staff and double your revenue. If each salesperson pays for him or herself then the early days in which double ups don’t take you very far… 0.5M, 1M, 2M in three years for example you will still have built strong leaders capable of hiring and maintaining the next level. Pre funding startups don’t have a lot of people because not too many people can live on nothing so getting sales going early to be able to bootstrap into existence is critical. You need very little money to start that way.
How do you create strong sales leaders?
One of my colleagues likes to say “If we want soldiers to kill people why do we have them polish buckles all day long”. It’s because the killing happens in a highly emotional state and it can only be accomplished successfully if the process occurs in a highly regimented and disciplined manner, without emotion, just as a sales deal is closed. The training has been all about removing the emotion from the action just as flight attendants are trained to act without thought in an emergency because doing everything right is paramount and getting caught up in the moment will lose you your deal.
We have to train relentlessly, as soldiers and flight attendants do, at being our best at what we do to feel competent and in charge of our environment. ?We want people who recognize and buy into this model to be part of what we’re creating. Character is how you handle yourself while conducting your business and is freely available without a degree or diploma. We don’t have ego because ego and wealth are mutually exclusive. We can all stand tall and be proud of what we stand for even if we have little.
Help your colleague, or as we say in our sales bullpen – throw the rope back over for the next guy when you can show them something they need to know. We don’t measure character, dedication, and work ethic with KPI’s because we don’t need to. It’s on display for all to see all day long.
Opportunity through growth and wealth creation through character development sounds too good to be true but it works. This is especially true for young people, whether interns, entry level sales people, or others who usually have lower paid positions. Degrees in the arts or social sciences often leaves post college candidates struggling for empathetic identity in a team. We can help these people generate wealth through presence, graciousness and confidence by being part of a team that’s focused on being about the tribe and about the cause.
Salespeople run a complex business process that’s draining, precise, and part art, part science. It is a regimented process that has opportunity for success for everyone. All positions within a company have the ability to provide a wealth generating career to the employee. Growth creates an expanding environment in which every employee gets to exercise increased skills and abilities. We are like dots on the face of an inflating balloon. All around us there’s more white space which must be filled and growth means it’s never going to stop. Everyone has to improve their game every year to stay in the same relative place in the growth curve. Handling the growth and expansion of responsibilities is rewarding but challenging, and always exhausting.
We love competition – it’s a cause around which we can rally, sing songs, wave flags and pump ourselves up into a ceremony of war. Certainly we ignore it at our peril because the best opportunities have the strongest competition. We use this battle as a daily reminder of why we are proud, strong, and forthright in what we stand for. We expect our engineers to be the best so we can proclaim them the best. In sales we expect to have products that are just better than our competition’s because that what we need to proclaim. Our marketing must pull in more leads than our competitors. Our financial management must be more efficient with the use of our cash than our competition. We instill confidence in ourselves, and our customers, and terrify our competition with our words and actions. Read a synopsis on “The Art of War”, it’s got great concepts of battle entirely appropriate to our own world.
It’s not just the sales team that needs that battle cry. Engineers are in the same fight for growth as sales people. We all need to be part of, intimately aware of, and involved in this evolutionary battle to be the best at survival. Require your employees to know each other through interdepartmental socialization and communications. Send out deal mails and proclaim any big contributor your champions within the company.
We can take concepts of self-respect and confidence in what we stand for further and apply them to almost any business environment to create a formidable set of competitive forces. Wealth, unlike greed, is an allowable trait! People of all races and religions find the pursuit of wealth acceptable to society. Most people want to learn how to generate income and standing in the world, become better people and advance their character development. These are the people we want in our company.
While we’re interested in creating a company, we’re really more interested in creating a vehicle for this belief to blossom. If we focus on the right stuff then we’ll end up with a strong company. If we focus on other stuff we’ll end up with a weak, or no, company because we won’t have an integrated team. Whatever our expertise today there’s nothing stopping us from being in other industries or lines of business and being number one in whatever we do.
Our customers have to like our strategy, feel we care about their own businesses, and believe we have an ability to improve their business functionality. Surveys are designed to provide feedback on how customer service and engineering handle customer service. The best event is often the one that didn’t have to happen though. Make metrics, feedback and improvement part of your business cycle.
Don’t forget the business cycle. Things happen on a regular basis weekly, monthly, quarterly, annually. Have a calendar for all the repeatable events and agree that it’s important to stick to it.
For most of your employees, the journey with you will be one stop on their journey through life. I’m happy to have had the opportunity to be with great people who’ve gone on to create their own successes. In all cases they’ve taking positive energy from the experience and used it elsewhere to great effect. Few people are flexible enough to run a group from one person to hundreds of people and then do it more than once!
Most people are trying to get better at what they do and want to be successful when they try new things. You should improve your skills by learning about something you’ve never done before because it will keep you interested and learning. You should create cross functional communications so sales, finance, marketing, customer service and any other function team can understand the business process within those other functions to help them build compatible departments. The person who’s too old to learn was always too old to learn. [If your boss doesn’t give you tasks to challenge your ability to learn and innovate then find another boss because you’re not really gaining value over your peers who are].
As a boss it’s your job to accelerate your employee’s maturity at a rate faster than par. People who feel they’re on a rocket to success usually are. I only do startups so there’s only ever a rocket under my team and 9-5 people aren’t welcome.
More wealth is created when the company grows its revenues at a higher rate and it is our objective to extend this growth rate to its greatest sustainable level. This rate of growth will result in quite large numbers of new employees. Very few companies with serious revenue are small so get used to expecting a LOT of employees.
To support each other we have to be good to each other by knowing who we are. Reach out and say hello to someone you don’t know often. Make it part of your culture and job to make your environment friendly so that more people want to join your privileged team.
These new employees need direction, management, counseling and support. It’s more important to manage your boss than that your boss manage you if you’re not being fulfilled. They, and all of us, will need to be better at organization, communication and discipline. We must be able to endorse the “acquisition” of a new boss, or management layer, because it’s designed to teach new skills to handle the expanding scope of the business. It’s a sign of success, not failure, and needs to be managed because when the world around you grows it can appear that you’re shrinking instead. Remember… a new boss is not a bad thing.
Some people will leave the company to exercise the skills that they’ve learned at the table with others. Sometimes they come back later. All of this is good; we need to compete with the outside world in order to be best at what we do. We, as part of this team that likes to win, have to compete with ourselves as well as others or our best people will leave.
We release free versions of our own software to keep raising the bar because if we don’t then others will, making us less competitive and more vulnerable. This destructive rejuvenation parallels evolutionary structures in which over time you breed your own competition.
Being good to ourselves also means that we can’t ask people to run a marathon daily. If we are going to run a marathon we need to train for it, approach it in a logical way, and execute well to win. We like to pile on the excitement and quarterly sales numbers drive immense activity every quarter. Let’s also be good to our people and ourselves by pacing for success and not arriving dead on time!
Our sales model, though not unique, has been copied by many other companies. What we do better than others is work harder at building our belief structure. Copying a masterpiece doesn’t create another masterpiece and every team is a unique product of its own creation.
Being on your toes all day, being the best person you can be, and while having time and energy for everyone else is exhausting. You should go home exhausted every night. It had better be worthwhile if we’re all going to make this much effort. Loyalty to your cause, your belief structure, and your team can only happen if you believe your team is aligned towards the same goal.
Integration of departments and their data is critical to building a seamless and frictionless business process and that requires good communications skills. In this country we’re becoming lonelier as we isolate ourselves in homes while kidding ourselves that we’re more connected to the world through thousands of digital friends. Have you noticed how your digital friends are only ever having a good time? This is not life; engage your colleagues with emotion and compassion and learn about who they are. Have them believe you care about them. Care about them!
While we are more connected as in electricity we’re less connected in socializing with our neighbors, the public, or just anyone we happen to walk into. Be self-aware of the need to reach out to people you don’t know. As we get bigger we all feel more isolated. You must overcome your shyness to be successful.
So while it appears to be a complex problem… how to build a strong company, I believe it comes down to character development, the training and retraining of that concept, and a relentless pursuit of being good to ourselves. Simple, yet constant messaging is needed to reinforce this message, lest we forget why we’re here. I can tell you it works. The power of a team over a group of less organized individuals is demonstrated every year in American sports. Our team is a team in which everyone who wants to achieve can participate.
Religion is a great model for understanding and building tribal allegiance and especially those religions, like Catholicism, that have survived longer than many other tribes on our planet. Organized religions in their own evolutionary way have survived by promoting discipline, hierarchy, expulsion, dedication, recruitment, abstinence, ceremony, and rewards. Belief in god is a subtext to the promotion of the religious organizational hierarchy, but belief in objectives we can all support such as caring for the poor are openly promoted as reasons to adhere…. their religious marketing message.
The number one objective of any organization is to survive. No further objective can be achieved without the organizational structure so it has to be so. The secondary goal of an organization is its publicized primary goal.
Evolutionary structures such as adaptation, survival of the fittest, group dynamics and tribal protocol can be used, as religions have done over the ages, to increase the likelihood of your own survival. These meta-structures of evolution allow us to recognize and promote that the objective of our existence has also to be our continued existence. Just as a cell contains all the DNA necessary for life, every employee must have every element of the company’s belief structure within their brains so that they can operate far from home with vision, strength and fortitude knowing every other team member is supporting them and working just as hard to achieve the goal. Think of how the US Marine Corps embraces that concept and uses it to create success through belief in the mission. Polish buckles!
Sales candidates, when interviewing, universally love the excitement that we create in the sales bullpen. It’s a strong attractor for candidates and it’s maintained at a high level of kinetic energy to promote urgency and to overcome what is technical a rather dull idea…. make lots of phone calls to manage the sales pipeline to closing. Create noise (by people being loud, not music) by having lots of people in a small space. Our sales desks are 42” high so most people work standing. Architects high chairs allow people to sit when they want but the height creates more opportunity to be loud.
We need that starting employee to promote an equal or greater level of excitement in the sales office to keep the average level of noise and enthusiasm high. If they’re not that kind of person we either create that within them through our cultural teaching or they must leave. We can’t let the message get diluted because everyone else is working so hard to promote the cause.
In a similar manner, everyone who joins your company must be able to understand that they will have to teach the things you hold in high regard to others. So they need to hold them in high regard too.
Levels of excellence and standards of service cannot be allowed to drop below that of your competition. Even if you can’t achieve that bar, know where it is. It’s through aiming for higher than that bar that a great company is made. You will hit that bar, and rise about it. You have to believe that if you want your candidates to join your company. Keep your message strong, compelling, and attractive. You must work every day to keep that message fresh to maximize the probability you’ll be able to deliver on your promise to your colleagues and hire people who want to succeed.
If, after all that work you find that you've created wealth for others, congratulations... this is the reward and personally I've never been more grateful to those who taught me how to operate by allowing me to fail
Principal Resume Writer, Interview Preparation and Career Strategy Coach @ Franklin Paterson Company.
2 年A lot to unpack there Alan Matthews. Thank you for this pearl, "Our team is a team in which everyone who wants to achieve can participate," and for the topic for tomorrow's morning meeting.