How I Ask for What I Want as an Introvert.
Let's go Active Introverts!

How I Ask for What I Want as an Introvert.

“Whether you want them to buy what you’re selling or help in another way, you have to be able to ask in order to get. Once you reframe rejection as something desirable, the act of asking becomes a power all its own.”?

- Noah Kagan (Million Dollar Weekend)

Asking isn’t hard. It’s the idea of rejection that often stops us. I have found this to be true in my career and in my personal life at times.?

I can spend more time, energy, and skills on finding reasons I will probably hear a “No” than the time, energy, and skills to make an offer or desire irresistible to others.?

I package it as being considerate and respectful, not “salesy” or pushy. I’ve worked on myself and explored this for years.

As I created my map to be a better asker, I recognized four steps that led me to take my foot off the brake and press harder on the gas.?

My four steps are::

  1. Be Specific.
  2. Make It Easy.
  3. Be Grateful.
  4. Do Something with It.

Allow me to demonstrate…

Be Specific.

I write most often through the lens of my introverted life, things that catch my attention, or simply through the observations of others.?

I want to know more about your stories, experiences, challenges, and successes.


My Ask: Share your insights, challenges, and successes with me. I want to leverage all our experiences and share them with other introverts so we may learn and do vicariously through each other.

Make It Easy.

Here are two ways you can help me and contribute. You choose which is easiest for you.

Follow this link to answer four questions (less than 4.32 minutes of your time unless you type with deep consideration):?


Answer these four questions in the comments section:

  • What is your best introvert tip?
  • What is the biggest obstacle holding you back as an introvert?
  • What would you pay to remove that obstacle once and for all if money were not a barrier?
  • What has been your best purchase or investment that has helped you be a successful introvert?

Hey, my extrovert friends. Would you like to share as well? Come on, I know you do. Just replace introvert with extrovert and let me know!

Be Grateful.

I am grateful to those of you who will take the time to share your answers to my questions. Your insights help me be a better introvert and help the rest of us in this introvert world.

As a small token of my gratitude, I would love to give you access to my Calm Out of the Box 2023 Reflective Questions collection. These are all the Action-Provoking Questions at the end of each Calm Out of the Box newsletter during 2023.?

Each alone is a powerful way to move into action. You will now have a collection of questions/prompts to help you journal, plan, create, or just tap deeper into your best self.

If you would like a copy, please send me a direct message or email me at [email protected].?

Do Something With It.

Asking can feel like the hardest part for an introvert. The most impactful part is actually doing something with what you received. Will you give it life or let it sit hidden?

I once asked a colleague and friend to do an interview with me on a topic of interest she participated in. We recorded it, transcribed it, and decided how I could share it with the world. I did zero with it.

That still bothers me to this day.

It should be celebrated if someone is kind enough to give you a gift (their time, insights, support, etc.).?

Those givers also like to see their gift make a difference, that their gift matters.?

My promise to each of you who shares your gift of time and insight with me is to celebrate it and share it in ways that make our collective introvert experience more fulfilling, memorable, and successful.


These four steps to asking for what you want can be used anywhere and in any situation. They are a mini-map for asking that creates connection, gratitude, and contribution to each person’s success in life.?

  1. Be Specific.
  2. Make It Easy.
  3. Be Grateful.
  4. Do Something With It.

Action-Provoking Questions

As you embark on this week's journey, ask yourself and write down your answers (in a journal, notes app, etc.):?

  • What should you ask for this week? Try my four steps, and let me know how it goes.
  • What should I do if they say no? Thank them and ask why.

Have a question or are curious about being an active introvert?.... Ask me!

I appreciate and am grateful you joined me for this Calm Out of the Box edition. If you think someone else might benefit, I would appreciate you sharing the love.

Wishing you a serene and productive week ahead.

Joe, Active Introvert


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