This is how I am launching my current online business...

This is how I am launching my current online business...

Turning my personal experiences and knowledge into an online business seemed overwhelming at first.

I’ve spent countless hours trying to figure out the best way to make it work. But after much trial and error, I’ve developed a simple plan that’s finally getting me results.

Here’s how I’m doing it—you don’t have to follow it exactly, but it might just spark some ideas for your journey.

Step 1: Build Core Skills Before Choosing a Niche

Most people tell you to find your niche first. I disagree. Before anything else, I'm focusing on mastering essential skills that will serve me no matter the niche I choose.

The first on my list? Improve my Writing skills.

  • Writing is a non-negotiable skill for online success.
  • For 30 days, I committed to honing my writing.
  • By the end of this period, I have a solid library of content.
  • Also I am developing a clearer idea of what I enjoy writing about and what resonates with my audience.
  • Discovering the perfect balance of these two, will be my "golden goose".

I have written and posted consistently on LinkedIn for 40 days now. I am 100% committed to becoming a highly skilled Premium Level writer.

Step 2: Next I Defined What I Don’t Want with an "Anti-Vision List"

Early in the process, I spent time being clear about what I "don’t" want in my life.

  • I took Dan Koes advice and created an "Anti-Vision List"—a list of everything I want to avoid a year from now.
  • I am currently reverse engineering this list, which will be a "dynamic, flexible" vision for the future. It will change as I grow, and that's ok.
  • This "Anti-Vision List" is helping me define the habits I need to break
  • And the negative influences of people I need to remove from my life. Recently I removed two long time friends from my daily life. This shit is real! Being told I have no value and nothing to offer others on a regular basis, well it was time to make a change.
  • Also has clarified the importance of forming new relationships with like minded people.

I am completely committed to taking the steps I need to to get where I want to go, to create my better tomorrow.

Step 3: Simplify the Business Model—Keep It Super Simple (KISS)

Next, I'm simplifying my business model. I’m focusing on solving one specific problem for one specific group of people.

  • The research phase is key here—understanding the problem inside and out before I create a solution.
  • This approach not only reveals my micro niche but also gives me a clear timeline for how fast I need to create the solution and guide clients through it, keeping in alignment with my anti-vision/vision timeline.

This is the phase I am currently at. I may expand on this at a later date when I have more data collected.

Step 4: Make the Solution Monetizable

Once I have a solution developed and drafted out, it will be converted into educational content that resonates with that very specific audience.

  • With my newly improved writing skills, I’ll craft content that leads to a landing page with an irresistible offer.
  • That offer will link to an email sequence that educates and upsells, turning curious visitors into paying customers, all the time adding exceptional value to my audience.

It'll be a no-brainer purchasing decision for my audience.

Step 5: Monetize the Audience

Finally, I'm monetizing my audience.

  • As mentioned in the previous step, my content directs traffic to free resources—This may be an eBook, newsletter, or short video course.
  • The audience data will tell me which platform is best matched with my specific audience.
  • The key is to make these offers irresistible and high-value for my audience. After all, I am really doing this to help others.
  • I get paid for that premium solution, that's a fair exchange for the time and energy I have expended in helping my audience. That's called a business.
  • The goal is to continuously refine and replicate this process to improve conversion rates and offer crazy high value to my audience. Which translates to social shares (referrals).
  • Referral business is like a compounded interest of the hard work I have put into resolving my audience's problem. It's the "flywheel effect" in action.

That’s my plan, —simple, focused, and actionable.

It's how I'm currently turning my knowledge into a sustainable online business, and building for a better life for my audience and myself.

Feel free to take this business framework and make it your own!

And please, send this to 10 friends who are always trying - this, that and the other online business idea. This is the golden goose solution.


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