Chirag Rathod
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$84K in Spend -> $356K in Revenue?
4.06 ROAS
Over 25% Profit
So first things first - I am going to cover 2 different things -?
Search and Deploy Prospecting
2) Eco-Systematic Retargeting (Google, YouTube, FB, and IG)
In this post I’ll be pulling back the veil on some of our internal processes with the hope that if any of you are struggling or your ads aren’t performing, you can take these frameworks and hopefully they’ll be able to turn your stuff around.?
Let’s jump in!
There is 1 MAIN GOAL for SnD Prospecting.?
It’s finding Core Audiences. Core audiences are the audiences that you can predictably rely on to generate the MAJORITY of your sales.?
Realistically every brand should have AT LEAST 8.?
To find core audiences I launch a ‘test campaign’ that has 30-50 adsets in it running at about $10-20/day per adset.?
(I recommend double your cost per purchase/cost per lead if you can swing it, but if not 10-20/day is fine)
ALL of these adsets will be targeting something different.?
Here’s what i'm typically targeting:
All Website Visits?
Content Views (or leads)
Add to Carts (or viewed calendar page)
Purchases (or applications)
Page View Frequency Greater or Equal to 3
Any Post Or Ad Engagement (FB & IG)
All Page Engagements (FB & IG)
Video Views
Mix of In-Market Interests & Random Interests.?
The Custom audiences are all made into 1%, 1-5%, and 5-10% LAA’s
I set them up this way for efficiency and because I’ve almost always gotten better results out of this setup than any of the other percentages.?
Now, for the in-market interests, think of things that are CLOSE to the niche of whatever products you’re selling.?
Let’s say you sell makeup, for in-market interests you could target different make up brands, beauty, skincare, etc.?
Now for Random Interests - the goal is to find your audience within another audience.?
This makes your traffic INSANELY CHEAPER.?
For example - I have a beard care brand, and I ran to the interest ‘Apple’ (like iPhones) and the ROAS was 7x…?
Whereas some of My in-market interests were only performing at 2-3x
So here are some guidelines for that intial 30-50 adset campaign.?
Dynamic creative with your top 3 performing ads of the last 90 days.?
Why? Because instead of just taking post ID’s and having 3 good ads, with dynamic you get 27 different variations of PROVEN creatives, copy, and headlines
I CUT ads that don’t have clicks after $5 spent.?
I CUT ads that have a higher cost per add to cart than what normally ends up being profitable.
I CUT ads that don’t have a Purchase after spend is 5$ above break even?
Then, at the end of 3ish days, you should view the adsets within our campaign by lifetime and cut all adsets that aren’t profitable and you SHOULD have your CORE AUDIENCES (at least 8) by the end of this.?
I’m saying at least 8, but I’d recommend having 10-12.?
Now once you have these core audiences, you shouldn’t have to do much in terms of ‘audience testing’ because these audiences will be your bread and butter.?
The goal is to get to the point where you ‘mostly’ just have to rotate creatives with these core audiences.?
SECOND PHASE of SnD Prospecting ->?
Now that you have those core audiences found pay attention to which video, copy angle, and headline performed the best.?
If there was 1 clear winner, i'm going to use that in our newest campaign in addition to 2 new variations.?
If 2 were clearly better than 1, then I’ll use those 2 in our newest campaign and just create 1 new variation.?
From here you’re going to duplicate the adsets into a new campaign, and ramp up the budgets a little bit depending on how much you normally spend. A conservative amount I’d say, would be around $200/day per adset.?
Now, from here it’s basic day to day monitoring.?
Making sure everything is performing, and watching to see if there is any hint of creative exhaustion or ad fatigue.?
Pretty basic stuff once you have everything scaled up.?
Let’s move on…?
I’m sure you’re wondering why it’s such a complicated name.?
Well, most marketers today stop with one platform.?
The PROBLEM with this is that you are leaving holes in your ship.?
The goal is to completely surround your prospect wherever they’re at, but if you’re only on FB you’re leaving ‘open holes’ on other platforms where your competitors can come in and steal the attention of your prospect.?
So I’m about to dive into our retargeting strategies on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Google. (I run some ads on snapchat, but the setup is basically the same as FB)?
I’m just going to go platform by platform and break down exactly what i'm doing so you can take the frameworks and apply them to your business.?
This is how I setup our middle of funnel campaigns -
5 Adsets -> 3-4 Ads each
1 Adset = All Page Engagements Or Any Post Or Ad Engagement (FB)
1 Adset = All Page Engagements Or Any Post Or Ad Engagement (IG)
1 Adset = Video Views Retargeting (50%, 75%, 95%)
What a lot of people don’t understand about retargeting is that there is a certain threshold of budget where you’ll get the same amount of sales but won’t have to spend nearly as much.
Figuring out what YOUR specific threshold is just takes testing and patience.?
For this brand I have one page that I run traffic too - so keep that in mind. There are multiple products, but ONE page all traffic hits before hitting their product.?
Our AWV and VC are the same audience which is why that one isn’t on here.
Anyway this is our setup:
1 Adset: All Website Visits (180) (excluding atc, pur, and page views >3)
1 Adset: ATC (180) (excluding pur)
1 Adset: PUR (upsells)
1 Adset: Page Views ( >3 )
So here’s WHY I use 180 day// → FB is really good at optimizing. I’ve seen good results for 3 day, 1 day, etc. But that’s mainly for higher volume accounts.
FB dynamically updates their audiences as well…
?So it’s ALMOST always showing your retargeting to the people that have most recently viewed your site.?
Getting granular is great, but it has a time and a place, I’ve just seen better results for this brand specifically on 180 day.
Let’s jump into YouTube.
So if you don’t know much about YouTube this will be extremely beneficial for you.?
Sequencing is a video sequence your retargeted traffic goes through depending on whether or not they watch, click through, or skip your ad.?
So let’s say you have 4 videos in your first sequence.?
Then 4 in your second and 4 in your third.?
First sequence is: A1 -> A2 -> A3 -> A4?
Now if the prospect watches the first ad or clicks through, the next retargeting ad they’ll be shown is A2. Same thing with A3, and A4.?
But what if they skip A1??
Well, then YouTube will show them B1 on the next time around. If they watch B1 they get shown B2 next.
But what if they skip B1 or B2??
They pushed to C1, etc etc etc.?
Now the beauty of this, is that you can run multiple different ‘hooks’ on your retargeting ads to push different demographics of people over the line to becoming a customer.?
So what I do is I use different people in our ads. So I might have a nerdy person in the first sequence. A fit person in the second. A country person in the 3rd.?
I’m sure you get the point, it’s about capitalizing on every demographic in your market.?
It does take quite a bit of creatives to do though, but they don’t take that long to make.?
In fact, you can just swap out the first 5-10 seconds of each ad and have the ‘meat’ of the video be the exact same. (fully different ads does seem to performer better, but just switching out the first 10ish seconds gets the job done well)
Alrighty, let’s move on to google.?
For Google Display the targeting is extremely easy.?
I am just targeting website traffic lol?
And it’s your basic Banner/Square image ads.?
For these it’s really foundational marketing principles with whatever creatives you’re running.?
Focus on benefits, review text works really well, maybe with a small thumbnail picture of a customer on it.?
And higher contrast images that will grab attention.?
Just remember these people know like and trust you already so it’s not very complicated.?
It’s just low hanging fruit that you can take advantage of.?
SEARCH is where it gets good.?
Here you’re going to be targeting keywords.?
These keywords are going to LITERALLY be your brand and your products and anything close to the name of your brand/products.?
Because what happens is, people see your ads on Facebook and Instagram, and later on they search you up on google.?
It works great for people that remember your brands name.?
But what if they don’t??
Hypothetically let’s say you’re a teeth whitening brand…?
Let’s say your brand is “SmileBrighterToday” (crappy brand name lol)
But they don’t remember that, they just remember the product they saw in the ad…?
What if they type in “teeth whitening stuff that uses lights” or something.?
So this is why in Search you also have to pretend you are a prospect.?
What are you searching for if you can’t remember the brand's name??
The product you remember??
Something about the ad??
Something about the brand that was memorable??
So those are the 2 main keyword types you should target on search.?
Your actual brand name, your products, and any variations you can think of.?
Then pretend you're a prospect and you can’t remember what your brand's name is…?
Now, I’m not claiming to be a master of google…
Our bread and butter is FB and IG.?
I only run retargeting on YouTube, Google and Snap.?
Basically Facebook and Instagram are the main levers, and YouTube Google and Snap pick up everyone that FB and IG miss.?
Anyway ya’ll - that’s pretty much everything i'm doing right now.?
I hope this in some way helps you or maybe even inspires you to launch some retargeting on other platforms to take advantage of some low hanging fruit.
Chirag Rathod