How I Added An Additional 7-Figures In 2015 and You Can Model It For Your Business Too. (Part 2)
Kent Littlejohn
Strategic Client Acquisition System for Established Professionals | Scale High-Ticket Offers in Real Estate, Financial Services, Insurance | 3,154+ Premium Clients Transformed | Founder, High End Client | Forbes Featured
Thank you for reading Part One... if you didn't click here to read it.
I especially appreciate all of you that reached out via message!
I am extremely excited for you and I this year. :)
I guarantee the following WILL HAPPEN in 2016.
I am not taking enough risk if they both don’t happen.
(I will get back to our 2016 plan shortly)
Earlier this week, I ended my post with me choosing to do business with an insurance program/company that would change our world forever.
Let’s pick up where I left off...
It was mid 2011 and I was approached by an insurance program that was specific to the apartment industry niche.
They wanted me and my company to send them new business.
I was known in the insurance industry as a high producer of this business.
The insurance program appeared to be normal with specific coverages tailored to real estate investors exactly the way I liked it.
The program owner, Michael Ward, was known in the insurance industry.
It was no surprise to several successful insurance moguls that he had a program like this.
They even knew Michael Ward for many years prior.
(Insurance Moguls Definition: My buddies that do $50MM+ in commission revenue annually)
I said YES.
I started off slowly placing business into this insurance program. ($250K or so)
Had a few property fire/liability claims totaling tens of thousands of dollars and the program paid and settled the claims fast.
That was a good thing for sure.
Months after the relationship began…
I placed nearly $5MM of cold hard cash into the insurance program.
(Wired $1.2MM for a partial payment of ONE HUGE DEAL alone)
We had MILLIONS addition sold with 'coverage in force'.
With the wires scheduled within the next few weeks.
We were straight up rocking!
Beth and I just found out on January 20th, 2012 or so that she was pregnant with our 3rd...
Such an unexpected event that we were SO HAPPY about.
Maybe... I would get my BOY this time, that I always secretly wanted. :)
[February 1st of 2012] MY LIFE CHANGED FOREVER!
The entire time myself and my insurance mogul buddies thought the cash was going to multiple insurance companies that took shares of risk in the program...
(Companies comparable to Lloyds of London) for example
The cash was being funneled to accounts in China and other unique places.
My chunk of cash was nearly $5MM.
With MILLIONS MORE about to be sent.
My LIFE just changed REALLY FAST.
Have you ever met with the FBI and The Department Of Justice?
Together LIVE... face to face?
Well... Let me spare you wanting the experience. :)
Even though I was considered the ‘victim’ in their terms…
I WAS SCARED SHITLESS. (not kidding)
I will save much of this story for when you and I grab a drink together.
It's a perfect story to tell over a nice stiff drink. haha
Anyways… Me and my business is out nearly $5MM.
and to top that off…
I was sued nearly 40 TIMES in 40 DAYS.
My business insurance policy??
Well… I received a certified letter from them that severely limited my possibility of coverage.
I contacted my legal counsel and guess what they said??
UMMMM… You need this one dude named ‘Brian’ to represent you.
I said ok… set it up.
He was the top attorney in the region for something like this and charges as if he is the top attorney in the region. lol
I spent tens of thousands of dollars suing my own insurance company to get our policy to cover damages occurred.
We finally got what we wanted but it took a ton of PAIN, TIME and CA$H (Cash and Time were both limited at the time).
Michael Ward was sentenced to 10 years in federal prison. (wire fraud over $1MM at once is taken pretty seriously)
During all this HELL that was going on…
3 Months, 6 Months.... 9 Months!
I had to rebuild my company.
....and DO IT FAST!
It was super simple.
A Wife, 2 kids depending on their Daddy to protect and provide for them, a 3rd baby on HIS way! :) , Employees with families and much more.
Pressure is on ME right now.
The TIME to perform IS NOW because later would be TOO LATE.
I needed to find a way to find new clients and fast.
I started thinking about who to call but no one wanted to help my out because of the lawsuits.
How am I going to find New Clients.... and fast?
I was talking to my buddy about everything that was happening and out of the blue... he wanted my advice about a guy he was about to partner with.
He sent me his LinkedIn profile and as I checked him out, I realized that this was a gold mine of opportunity.
His profile contained everything about him!
I started studying everything I could about LinkedIn.
I experimented a lot!
Some things failed and some things WORKED.
The things that worked... well, they worked REALLY WELL! :)
I pumped out 4 brand new HIGH-END clients in the first week.
That is the exact moment that I increased my use of LinkedIn to pump out new clients and shortly after that, I combined it with Email Marketing.
I built a process and systems that literally flooded new clients in like clockwork.
Long story…SHORT.
I made a full recovery because of LinkedIn in 2012.
It’s because I took some MAJOR RISKS in the reBIRTHing of our company.
Our End Of The Year Revenue was very close to our 2011 rocking revenue.
We about broke even to 2011.
It would have been simple to lay down, give up, and lose EVERYTHING.
Some people may have taken that route.
That didn’t happen here. I said NO WAY to that option.
How was our 2013 revenue???
We implemented some powerful new additional strategies on LinkedIn and combined it with our email list that we built aggressively in 2012 during recovery.
2013 was the BEST YEAR (by far) in the insurance industry over 10 years.
November of 2013… I looked at Beth and said the following…
She looked at me with the same look and expression that she has some nights when she has a “headache” lol (yeah... we have all been there!)
You know what I’m talking about… the fake headache line. :)
She said the following…
It’s as simple as this…
I explained to her that I have lost that LOVE and FEELING for the insurance industry and it was time to move on.
That was the TRUTH.
The word ‘insurance' made me want to PUKE everywhere.
Hahahaha …
She said that she supported me to sell our companies.
I sent one email that night to an ex-partner and BAM…
I inked the formal contract on February 1st, 2014 for 7 figures.
2 Years EXACTLY from the day that I thought I was losing everything.
I remember the next day…
Beth looked at me and said… “Now what?”
Hell… I didn’t really know.
I just inked that 7 figure deal and I owned a cash producing real estate traffic and conversions company that uses LinkedIn and Email Marketing. (we generate tens of thousands of qualified leads in the real estate industry)
FYI: Our real estate traffic company mentioned above uses the traffic sources that I built to survive, recover, and blow up our ONCE dying insurance companies. We now sell that traffic and leads to our clients in that space.
I was going to relax for a while
Beth said to get moving! Hahaha
I love that girl. :)
So… I developed a program in the early months of 2014 that taught specific industries how to generate new clients online.
I killed that in the 3rd quarter of 2014 because it felt unaligned and…
My 6 Week Program Clients turned into 6 Month Clients.
For the same fee!
I didn't set the proper boundaries.
Yea… my bad on that because I am genuinely a nice dude who cares.
I held my position of NO PROGRAM OFFERS for several months until…
I took Beth on a trip to USVI in the Caribbean.
Just US with NO KIDS! :)
Everything was AWESOME!
Beth, ME, the sun, a chartered boat…
She didn't even have that 'headache' that comes on so quickly at night. WHAT!?
One of the days, we were walking around town and I had a STRONG calling.
To shop... that is.
I had the urge to buy something.
I look up and there it was... the store that was calling me!
That store would be forever labeled as the...
'Retail store that changed my 'PAUSED' direction forever.
It was a high end watch store, Breitling to be exact!
I have wanted one for quite some time.
'We have kids' and I always feel so damn guilty for spending that much cash.
(The kids were supposed to look tough in this pic with me... BUT that failed) :)
We went in and walked out with a couple new Breitlings. (see my wrist above!)
Not one but TWO.
That is not like us at all!
A good chuck of change later… Beth looked at me as we walked out of that watch store and she had that ‘headache’ look again. Oh My!
She said the kindest words outside of that store after our purchase.
She said this… “It’s time to un-pause your program”
I believe that she even dropped a vulgar bomb in the sentence but…
I don’t want to get in trouble for quoting that.
I mean… not that I am scared of her or anything.
I clearly run this household.
Just don’t tell her I said that please…
Ha ha ha ha ha!!!! :)
Well… That’s when it truly HIT ME like a ton of bricks.
I had many people in a well known "high ticket mastermind' that I was part of who consistently asked me about LinkedIn.
How do I generate all those leads with our real estate traffic company in Napa??
I remember walking down that street, wearing the new BLING on my wrist and thinking to myself…
Is it really that freaking simple?
As simple as... generating new clients on LinkedIn for others the EXACT same way that saved my ass when I was embezzled of millions of dollars.
Not just real estate... But any targeted audience found on LinkedIn
It felt so clear, super simple and almost too stoopid.
So… I took out my phone and I sent an instant message to someone in that 'high ticket mastermind' that was previously asking about LinkedIn.
It went like this...
'If I could generate you new clients on LinkedIn, would you have interest?'
He replied in about 4.26 seconds… “YES”.
So I made an ‘on the fly’ offer while walking.
BOOYAH!… He said an immediate YES.
I sent him the payment link and…
Part of the Breitlings were paid for.
I was pretty damn happy to say the least... so I told Beth.
She said... "I knew that would get you moving and she laughed".
Why does she treat me like this? geezus!
I had my new program offer the entire time but sabotaged it with trying to do something that was out of alignment with ME. = IMPORTANT
It was right under my nose. (Probably right under your nose right now too!)
I couldn't see it because it seemed WAY TO EASY.
Yes... It is easy to me but NOT to others. = REMEMBER THAT
I took that first client in and got immediate HUGE results for him.
I delivered as promised, GO FIGURE!
He posted in the shared mastermind private group about me.
and how we generated clients from LinkedIn for him. (89 in the mastermind)
I had 10+ individuals reach out in the upcoming days because of his post.
That was refreshing and overwhelming!
They started buying from me without verbally speaking to me.
Messages back and forth and they would want to get started.
Literally … It felt almost like a dream.
....let me get this straight.
All I need to do is provide an offer that immediately fixes a PAIN that someone has and…
Deliver the results you sold.
….then YOU BLOW UP with referrals??
Here's a GREAT example of that... WATCH THIS.
What! Why isn’t everyone doing business like this?
My initial offer had no continued support.
It was a 6 Week LinkedIn Program and that was it.
Here it is =>
My next step was to develop a model that would attract our perfect client and have them ask to stay with us for years.
Kinda like the insurance model I spoke about yesterday… RIGHT?
I needed to build an offer that would allow me to work with the same client monthly and have them pay me like clockwork.
We generate the qualified leads, they sell and they deliver what they sold.
We would focus on getting them a large enough value/ROI that it would secure them for months and years to come.
Make it a NO BRAINER decision like we did here. (WATCH THIS VIDEO)
It is simple.
I developed a process during a very stressful time of my life and now that exact process is changing lives globally.
I still get the same butterflies in my belly, firm rock solid belly that is, every time we get a new message from one of our clients voicing their thanks.
This is the end of Part 2.
I will publish Part 3 and it will conclude with our entire offer structure. and you can pull pieces of it together for your own business.
I will show you our plan to 5X in 2016!
See you next week,
Kent Littlejohn
Leadership and Business Growth Strategist & Coach
6 年Great life and business story! I love the happy ending! Thanks for the inspiration!
Founder and CEO
7 年Awesome occurrences and work! I hope to be able to do the same through your program for our business! Thank you, RS
Bible Study Teacher
8 年Now that is refreshing. Keep Beth. She is your greatest asset. Blessings, R
Where's Part 3?
Strategic Client Acquisition System for Established Professionals | Scale High-Ticket Offers in Real Estate, Financial Services, Insurance | 3,154+ Premium Clients Transformed | Founder, High End Client | Forbes Featured
8 年So glad to have you on board with us Lindsay Graichen! :) You are world class my friend.