How human behaviour has shaped Storage of knowledge and data associated with knowledge..!!!
Ajay Singh P.
EXL | Ex Samsung | IIM Lucknow | Data Science | Machine learning | Deep Learning | Lean Six Sigma | Google Cloud Platform | Project Management | Business Process Operations
The paradox of human Learning - When Albert Bandura published his seminal work in year 1977 "THEORY OF SOCIAL LEARNING ", he created a new paradigm in the understanding of how humans learn. Human learning is one aspect of Human species which has shaped this world since the appearance of earliest human ancestors on the planet earth.
Though the one problem which has always bothered humanity for it's entire existence is "How to store knowledge" for longtime reproducible learnings through outcomes of individual actions.
Existential learning was and is prone to lack of individual retention of knowledge associated with it and lack of mechanisms to refine the existing learnings to make them utilitarian .
Curiosity - Discovery of knowledge always flew with the wings of curiosity. Curiosity always brought intrigue to the human mind about things never seen before or experienced before. But level of curiosity depends upon how much hard survival of individual is in it's existing environment. Tougher the living eco system, higher is the level of curiosity, and there comes the famous aphorismic entendre "Who killed the cat? Curiosity killed the cat!!".
It is absolutely true for human nature and it's strides in knowledge discovery. The most important problem humans solved for knowledge storage was "communication of knowledge or sharing of knowledge" by discovering a way to communicate through structured sounds known as language. Language in verbal context made it possible to answer innate human epistemological riddle "How do you know, what you know". This was the vantage point for humanity, as now it was possible to cataphrase individual learnings with objects and events observed in surrounding environment.
So origin of communication through language made it possible to share the learning but still storing the knowledge was a problem as visual learnings could be lost with demise of observer and here came the symbols ascribed to verbal sounds of communication "THE SCRIPT FOR LANGUAGE". Now one could store observations in his or her own version and storing the observations as reference for exploring the relative happenings became a possibility. That is where storing the data of observations and using it for one's own benefit became a possibility. This lead to transfer of knowledge from individual or filial learnings to social learning as multitude of speed and reach of knowledge sharing increased manifolds. This further fueled human curiosity for exploring the world as know it was possible to store observations in the form of knowledge.
How you define learning - Psychology defines learning as relative or permanent change in behaviour through experience. But experience does not guarantee a permanent change in behaviour ( Albert Bandura, Social theory of learning ). So when your existence is challenged you become non conformist to the existing knowledge if it is not helping you to survive. This would bring in a relative paradox of extreme experiential learning which would lead to psychological hostility towards all such future anticipated spatial and temporal conditions. Now the biggest problem to solve was to create consensus about more and more individuals to validate the learning and standardize it for future timeline. This lead to formation of social groups who would conform to a particular type of behaviour ascribed to there own social group learnings and experience's . This is how social groups took shape and developed unique groups with unique behaviour which would beknown as culture .
Culture as origin of data and data storage social space -
Symbols and sounds for communication were created, standardized and norms were created to make them universal for social group in which they would be used. This standardization of communication in phonetic and scripted mode became social data storage space where everything could be store through a story, a song, a narration or simply a particular was of communicating something to the social group. Now mode of communication became a tool of influence, so how an individual would learn became dependent upon how the individual would experience the content of social learning through mode of communication of sounds and symbols. This lead to the origin of THEORY OF CONFLICT AND SOCIAL INFLUENCE. Some smart minds observed that by communicating information and experiences in a particular way, they could influence the perception of a group or groups to their own advantage. Sequence was simply > Create the curiosity > Curiosity creates conflict with existing learning > Conflict directs attention towards object of curiosity > Repeated attention creates influence > Influence brings power to control > Control brings a medium to to decide upon the choices of all individuals in group under influence > This would create a cycle of seeking more and more influence on other individuals for fulfilling own social and biological needs. This is exactly what we call PARADOX OF POWER (David McClelland, 1961). Social power and it's benefactors corrupted the way knowledge would be communicated, stored and shared. This manipulative social construct of power has shaped our cultures, our social histories, distribution of social resources, social knowledge, and in a way evolution of human species as a social being.
Data science is more of modern version of POWER PARADOX in terms knowledge discovery, knowledge storage, knowledge sharing and exploring data associated with that knowledge to create a conflict with existing beliefs to influence the universal opinion of anything and anyone. No matter how much advance tools and techniques we use to mine data from human knowledge pool, underlying objective remains same "TO INFLUENCE" the universal opinion and perception about an object or a subject. Everyday you come across it in the form of news, marketing ads, books, visual communications, audio communications, digital communications in any other form. Now imagine about "WHY HUMANS INVENTED ANYTHING OR SOMETHING"??? Simply to create more control and influence over existing beliefs and shape them in a way to become immortal in social and universal memory by modifying them. Now think about all great kings, great warriors, great philosophers, great scientists, great writers, great artists in the history of mankind....!!!!!!!!
The biggest driver for discovering, learning, storing, sharing knowledge is to create influence and gain power. That is what made humanity store knowledge and term it as data for controlled and vectored usage for more generating more power and influence. So be it elections of president or launch of satellite or birth of a baby in hospital, one way or other way knowledge and data associated with knowledge is used as tool to develop a particular way to do it and to create a reproducible narrative for future usage as a template of "How to do it". Now who holds the power, the one who holds control to the template of "How to do it". Think about "What is your template" …!!!! of "HOW TO DO IT".