How HR can Help Your Small to Mid-Sized Business - The Value of On-Boarding

How HR can Help Your Small to Mid-Sized Business - The Value of On-Boarding

Small and mid-sized businesses have numerous similarities as it relates to HR. Most companies do not have an HR professional or an employee dedicated to HR. Many companies are not aware or simply don’t have the time to educate themselves in HR best practices. And some companies don’t have the time and/or money to implement HR practices. 

Speaking to last point, it is not always that the company does not have the time or money for HR, but rather, companies do not necessarily see the value in HR. Small and mid-sized business must be especially careful with expenditures and be certain that they are getting value for their money. 

More than ever, companies are starting to realize the HR is an essential and strategic service that they can’t afford to pass on. Expert HR practices provide a business with the means to invest in their most important resource, their employees. It also allows for employees to invest in the company which means greater pride, performance and profit for your business. HR is worth the money!

After recruitment, the first HR process that your business can institute is on-boarding. 

For some of you who may not be familiar with the term, on-boarding is the process a business implements to orientate and essential welcome a new hire to your organization. The process can take as little as a half a day, which many small businesses do or, if value is infused, it can be continuous for months.

Businesses invest a lot of time and money into recruitment and retention efforts. There is the cost and time to advertise, to interview, perform background and reference checks, etc. All in the hope of trying to find the best person who could drive your business. 

After all that time and money, it is surprising that many businesses simply provide a half day of required training and orientation and then send their new sought-after employee on their way with little engagement or support.

While a comprehensive on boarding program may take a bit of time and preparation, effective on-boarding is critical to ensuring that new employees are ready to make an immediate impact and transition into their new role quickly and efficiently.

There are 4 steps in creating an impactful on-boarding program:

  • Prepare in Advance
  • Balance the Delivery
  • Provide Guidance & Expectations
  • Assess Your Success

A good on-boarding program should start before the employee starts work. This gives a great first impression and gets the employee excited about their new position.

Send a welcome letter or package to the employee. Let the employee know that you are looking forward to seeing them, welcome them to the company and provide them with any information that they may require for the first day.

Share something about the company with the employee, perhaps an information booklet or company swag. Lay the foundation for success by preparing the paperwork, equipment & training materials in advance.

And ensure that their work station is prepared for them and that they will have access to the tools/resources that they will require to complete their job duties (e.g. office supplies & telephone). If you want them to play the part to help your business perform, you need to show them that you can to.

Make sure that you balance the delivery of your on-boarding program. Make them feel welcome before you inundate them with paperwork and process. Although paperwork, policies & training are necessary, it is advantageous to allow for social development and fit. 

Take them around and introduce them to other staff and tour the facility. Perhaps have a lunch meeting where the new employee can introduce themselves in an informal manner and learn about his or her new colleagues. Wherever possible, incorporate Relationship building and networking activities as these will help ease the social complexities found with any new experience

It is critical to provide guidance and expectations throughout the process and as an indication of things to come. Increase morale and engagement by ensuring that new recruits are provided with clear expectations regarding their job duties, goals and company strategy for the position. And ensure that they know why and how their role is critical to the companies’ success.

Finally, provide regular feedback & follow-up to ensure that they have acclimatized to their position. Communication in all business functions is key especially in onset of a new business relationship.


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