How to Host a Website on Github?
GitHub, a renowned platform for version control and collaborative coding, offers a fantastic way to host static websites for free through GitHub Pages. Whether you’re a developer, designer, or someone looking to create a personal site or project showcase, GitHub Pages provides an easy and effective solution. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to host your website on GitHub.
Step 1: Create a GitHub Account
If you don’t already have an account, go to GitHub and sign up for a free account. Once registered, sign in to your account.
Step 2: Set Up a New Repository
Next, create a new repository:
Step 3: Clone the Repository Locally
To work on your website files locally, clone the repository to your computer. You can use the Git command line or GitHub Desktop.
Using the command line:
1. Open your terminal (Git Bash, Command Prompt, or any terminal you prefer).
2. Run the following command to clone your repository:
git clone
3. Navigate to the directory:
Step 4: Add Your Website Files
Add your HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and any other static files to the cloned repository folder. Ensure your main file is named index.html, as GitHub Pages uses this file as the homepage. You can use any code editor to create or edit your files, such as Visual Studio Code, Sublime Text, or Atom.
Step 5: Commit and Push Your Changes
After adding your website files, commit and push them to GitHub.
1. Add all your files to the staging area:
git add .
2. Commit your changes with a message:
git commit -m "Initial commit"
3. Push your changes to the repository:
git push origin main
Step 6: Enable GitHub Pages
1. Go to your repository on GitHub.
2. Click on "Settings."
3. Scroll down to the "Pages" section in the sidebar.
4. Under "Source," select the branch you want to deploy from, usually main or master.
5. Click "Save."
6. After a few moments, your site will be available at
Step 7: Custom Domain (Optional)
To use a custom domain with your GitHub Pages site:
1. Purchase a domain name from a domain registrar.
2. Create a file named CNAME (without any file extension) in the root directory of your repository.
3. Add your custom domain to this file, for example:
4. Commit and push the CNAME file to your repository.
5. Configure your domain’s DNS settings to point to GitHub Pages by adding a CNAME record pointing to
Hosting a website on GitHub is an excellent option for static sites due to its simplicity, cost-effectiveness, and integration with version control. With just a few steps, you can have your website up and running and easily manage updates through Git. Whether showcasing a project, hosting a personal blog, or creating a professional portfolio, GitHub Pages offers a robust platform for all your static website needs.