How to Honor PTSD Awareness Month at Your Mental Health Practice

How to Honor PTSD Awareness Month at Your Mental Health Practice

June is PTSD Awareness Month, a time dedicated to shedding light on the struggles and triumphs of those affected by post-traumatic stress disorder. Did you know that around 6% of people in the US will experience PTSD in their lifetime? Among non-binary and trans individuals, the estimated number is from 17.8% to as high as 42%. These statistics highlight the importance of awareness and support.

Here are some impactful ways to honor PTSD Awareness Month in your practice:

  1. Increase Access to Care: Offer free PTSD screenings on June 27th, PTSD Screening Day and National PTSD Awareness Day or even a free PTSD self-screen test on your website or patient portal. Consider providing free or discounted counseling sessions or sliding-scale fees to reduce barriers to care for veterans, first responders, and abuse survivors.
  2. Raise Awareness: Display educational materials about PTSD in your waiting room and share informative content on your practice's blog, email newsletter, and/or social media platforms. Consider partnering with local mental health organizations to amplify your message.
  3. Educate Your Team: Host workshops or invite guest speakers, such as trauma specialists or veteran advocates, to deepen your team's understanding of PTSD. Encourage participation in continuing education courses to stay informed about the latest advancements in trauma care.
  4. Collaborate Locally: Forge partnerships with local organizations, such as veteran groups or mental health charities, to co-host events like workshops and webinars. Collaborative efforts can help reach a wider audience and foster a supportive network within your community.

Together, let's take meaningful action to support those living with PTSD and work towards creating a more empathetic and informed society. #Tebra #PTSDAwarenessMonth #MentalHealth

Thank you so much for shedding light on this topic!




