How to Hold Space for someone?
Holding Space" Have you done it? Have you been able to suspend your judgment, offer the benefit of doubt when someone was very vulnerable? People are extremely vulnerable when they commit mistakes, face life challenges or suffer a big loss.
3 things that help me hold space for someone:
1) Give them permission to be human - tell them its okay to shatter or to feel broken. When you suspend judgment, you create a safe place for them to express their feelings. Just as a physical wound heals when exposed to the gentle air, so do wounds of the heart heal when caressed by the gentle breeze of compassion.
2) "God, help me forgive those who sin differently than I do". I repeat this to myself when I am struggling to let go of some perceived "wrong" that someone has done to me. It really helps me to "hold space" for them.
3) Stay grounded, stay humble - Just because someone else is vulnerable does not by default put you in a superior position. Don't become "holier than thou", "self-righteous", and make it all about yourself and how "great" you are. Its about another person. Offer your suggestions, ideas gently and let them decide for themselves.
How have you held space for someone? Please share