How to Hold Blameless Deal Reviews.
When done correctly, deal reviews should identify vulnerabilities in the pipeline, so managers can help sellers plan the next set of actions to win these deals.
In reality, managers have limited time to study each deal and end up with foggy visibility into the pipeline. Deal reviews then end up getting reduced to information gathering sessions rather than problem-solving moments.
In turn, under scrutiny, sellers fear being called out for their weak pipeline and continue to play down red flags, provide subjective assessments, and over-represent the deal status.
With such defensive behavior, deal reviews are no longer about jointly working together to win deals or create actionable coaching moments. Instead, they become interrogation sessions, with limited trust among stakeholders and wasted opportunities to move deals forward.
How can sales leaders overcome this issue?
Top sales leaders make their reviews free of blame and focus fully on problem-solving. They coach the sellers and play as though they are in it together to win the deal. The key is staying objective and separating the person from the problem. They demand the sellers come prepared with a plan, and in turn, they do the same.
But it’s hard to scale objective reviews and coach when the deal information is scattered across multiple stakeholders, not available in the CRM and simply eats away most of the time in the deal reviews. solves that problem via its 360-degree automated deal evaluation and is the independent mediator required for in-depth deal reviews. It presents the unbiased truth and makes deal reviews fact-based and non-judgemental.
- Deal updates are quick and real-time: Every member of the team has complete information about the deal in minutes without the need for multiple meetings, reports, and in-person interrogations.
- Each deal includes the buyer’s perspective: The buyer context needed for a 360-degree deal analysis is captured easily without spending hours sifting through volumes of data.
- Reduced dependence on CRM data: Data about conversations, activities, buyer personas, topics is captured & summarized directly from all sales communication channels.
With such insights, sellers and managers can truly leverage deal review meetings to problem solve and focus on strategies to pursue winnable deals.
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