How to hit the Innovation Sweet Spot?
How to hit the Innovation Sweet Spot?
Most ideas for new products and/or services lack of inspiration or are impractical… but a systemic process based on 5 innovation patterns, could generate ingenious and viable ideas.
The voice of the product is the central idea of the method “Systemic Inventive Thinking” which begins with an existing product and its own characteristics instead of listening to customer’s unsatisfied needs.
a) Start enumerating the essential elements of the product: physical components & attributes i.e. color and shelf life. Under a Services approach: break down its processes.
b)?Immediate environment: i.e. temperature and type of user.
c)?Then follow any and/or all the 5 powerful patterns of innovation which came from global trends on product development. Once visualizing a new reloaded version of the product, you can evaluate success possibilities at open market as well viability to mass produce.
The 5 Patterns:
1. Subtraction: remove or reduce desired and/or indispensable components, discovering possibilities to replace with something better and innovative.
2. Multiplication: make more copies of the component of the product instead of removing, this does not mean to only add more features, but adding important modifications achieving a qualitative improvement. Focus on qualities not quantity.
3. Division: Ungroup the product into its component parts, this will help to reconfigure radically and offer unforeseen benefits. This division could be 3.1 Physical (cut the product along a physical line), 3.2 Functional (separate the components based on ea function), 3.3 Conservative (preserve the characteristics of the whole).
4. Tasks unification: Assign a new task to an existing element and/or close environment.
5.?Attribute dependency modification: Dependency of relationships that exist between the attributes of a product and the characteristics of its immediate environment, in other words, the relation of characteristics based on its surroundings.
The discipline of inventiveness goes beyond the ordinary, the correct applicability of the 5 patterns described above, in much of the cases will help companies to break with inalterability in its processes, products, but also applicable to services.
Prof. Jacob Goldenberg, Roni Horowitz based on Genrich Altshuller study cases